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San Diego Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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My name is Andrew and I am a music producer from San Diego, I use my classical background in piano to help my mixes have an organic sound that lets the vocals shine through while using dynamics to give your song the lift it deserves
Teamwork makes the DREAM WORK! Hi! I'm Amanda from Toronto, with over 15 years of creative experience. Let's produce timeless art, together.
Listening is the first step to make music sound the best. Mixing within 25 years of experience, recording, producing bands, playing overdubs as session musician, worked with jazz, rock, folk, indie-alternative musicians and songwriters always getting in touch with the creative process.
The difference from me and other engineers? I strongly believe that not only do you need a strong professional sounding mix and master, but you also need a personable style that doesn't let you blend into the hundreds of other artists. I can provide that for you. With me, your character and originality won't be lost.
¡Hola! Soy un apasionado productor musical con un enfoque especializado en géneros urbanos, destacando especialmente en el emocionante mundo del reggaetón. Mi experiencia se centra en la creación de ritmos irresistibles que hacen vibrar a la audiencia y en la mezcla de voces que elevan las canciones a un nivel completamente nuevo.
Just trying to make some good music...
Awarding winning Lagos-based Afrobeat artist Lking is best known for his international Hit "Stephanie", energetic live shows and futuristic-inspired Sounds. With soundscapes and big choruses, his music draws influence from artists like Wizkid, Davido, Wande coal and Rema. He has collaborated with many well-known artists and DJ's, landing his deals
Professional audio engineer with 10 years experience. Let me get your next song radio ready!
Recent Successes
"My Mix sounded like a Million Dollar's after mastering at Classic Master ! Even though I'v heard my mix so many times, I wanted to keep hearing my song again and again after mastering by Carlos . Not just that , Carlo..."
"Andres was amazing. He was really helpful with the mix coaching and was very polite. I had a deadline that i had to make and he made wonders and we made it 2 days before my deadline. I would recommend Andres 100 out..."
"I absolutely love Facundo's idea and his works, will definitely work with him again soon~~"
"I've been working on a big project over the last year and I can say without reservation that Darren was absolutely a pleasure to work with. Creative, responsive, and an immensely talented individual. Don't hesitate to..."
"I had an amazing experience with Diego. He delivered in a timely manner and will plan to work with him in the future."
"excellent, as always. he's the best producer of soundbetter. that's all."
"The balance, clarity, and ambience Jacob has delivered on this song mix is amazing and sounds great! Not only that, he has done a masterful job keeping four different songwriters happy with the mix on this song too! ..."
"Great experience with Matt. Second time he's mixed for me and has done consistently great work. "