Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Short Jake
I am a versatile and highly skilled music producer renowned for my ability to produce music that captures the feeling my clients want in their music.
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I am an international freelance producer/audio engineer/songwriter. I've worked with clients not only from the USA but from places like Finland, Australia, Italy, France, Brazil, Sweden, & etc...
I am professional singer/songwriter based in Los Angeles, California. I have over 10 years of experience with recording and mixing my own songs. I have been in the music industry for several years and have written and worked with artists such as Janet Jackson, Kelly Rowland, Dr. Dre, Afro Jack, and many more.
We're a recording studio based in LA, offering production, recording, mixing and musician services.
I’m the engineer to the stars!
I am a Contemporary Music Composer, Indie-Rock and Ambient Guitarist, available to record, arrange and produce music.
Spanish multiplatinum producer with over 1B streams. I’ve worked with artists like Reik, David Bisbal, Dani Fernández, Hombres G, Leo Rizzi, and more. With over 20 years in the industry
SuperEduHelp experts take care of your every document. We have proven our skills in more than 250 subjects.
Hi, I'm Joan. I'm an experienced sound engineer from Argentina. I produced songs with more than 500k streams all over the world. My goal is to save you time and transform your raw recordings into polished productions.
Recent Successes
"So lucky to have found this guy. He made my home studio sound like Electric Lady Studios. Look at all the reviews, he's just the man. "
"Peter is an excellent musician. He was great to communicate with and delivered exactly what we wanted quickly and easily. "
"super talented dude. "
"3rd time working with Chris, absolute professional in every sense of the word and a thoroughly all round nice guy too. Highly recommend."
"Olga done a great work as usual on a song structure's not easy. I can't wait for our next collaboration"
"Second project with Stephen and wow did he deliver. He remixed a Christmas song from slow and gentle to a danceable, upbeat song. I am so pleased with the result and will soon be working with him on a new track. He..."
"Gideon is a Talented and Professional drummer! Quick turn around and very eager to work with you by serving the song. I'm definitely going to be working with him more in the future!"
"Holly is a great singer! She has a beautiful voice color, and she is highly proffesional! Warmly recommended !!!"
"Patient, cooperative and zealous drumming. Understanding to the small detail/idiosyncrasies in the song. Thank you Hugo, I’ll need more in the future if that’s alright! 🥁🤘🏻"