Music Production & Engineering Job Board

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Steve S.

Need drums tracked for a demo

I have written a few original songs, very pop (heavy) pop punk. I have "programmed" drum tracks in logic that I can include, but I would leave...


Need 2 songs mastered

I'd like to request the mastering of two songs, so can you tell me how much time and cost it will take? I'd like to proceed with it with you ...

Donald P.

Need a song mixed

I just have a single song that I need mixed because I really want to hear the song to its full potential as it’s apart of an upcoming EP that ...

Ethan O.

Need 5 songs mix, mastered and sound engineered

We have finished recording 5 songs and am looking for a professional mixer to get it ready for release. Each song has around 25-40 recorded tr...

Anthony B.

Need songs mastered

I typically get songs mixed and mastered by the same person but I'm trying to up my game and get it done separately, seeing this is my first t...


Production work on one song

I’m a musician based in New York City, and working on a song with an amapiano & afrobeats vibe, but I’m going to have friends in Jamaica play ...


Need a song produced

I'm a songwriter, and I'm looking to produce a song from start to finish. I'm looking to have a finished, radio-ready song to put out. Some re...


Need natural sounding horns for a song

Hey there! Looking for someone who can create some natural-sounding horns to this beat. I want it to be very simple and follow the melody/note...

Tiago S.

I have like 7 songs I poorly mixed so I need to get a good mix and a master

i have 7 songs of hiphop to mix/master . Some of them are hiphop boom bap and others are trap . I tried to mix but the result is not exactly w...

Christopher M.

Chromatic Harmonica required for my song

Greetings from Townsville Australia. I have a song called "Sleepy Jane" that I feel would benefit from some chromatic harmonica. I need an int...

Augustin B.

I need an album produced for my band.

For the last few months my bandmates and I have worked on composing songs for a potential album. These songs vary in style but are all in the ...

Samuel M.

I need 2 beats made in the style of hip hop in the form of dark synth please

I have some lyrics to 2 different songs that I have finished and I need a beat to match with these songs. Im looking to work with a beat that ...

Colin G.
Colin G.

Collaboration Request for Music Production

My name is Colin, and I'm seeking expertise in producing a song. I'm primarily a vocalist with basic production knowledge, using Logic Pro. Th...

Bas K.

I need 6 tracks mastered

I am looking for someone to master our EP. We are a three-member band with a rock background and are experimenting with an electronic sound. I...

John B.

Need 1 Pop Punk Song vocals tuned/edited, mixed, mastered

Hi! My band is looking for someone to edit vocals, mix/master our new track. It is about 3 and a half minutes long. It will be about 20 stems ...

Recent Successes
  • Andrew did some great acoustic guitar for my track. It sounded clean and had the flavour it needed.

    Job Completed by: Andrew Hall
  • Kimera is simply amazing and a true superstar. I can’t express enough how much of a blessing it is to have her sing a...

    Job Completed by: Kimera Morrell
  • Elliott created a lovely piano track for my song. He was professional and fast. The piano track really lifted my song...

    Job Completed by: Elliott McClain
  • Professional quality and attitude!

    Job Completed by: Steven Ostroske - Coronaudio
  • Just got the mastered track. Really great quality and I really enjoyed how everything turned out. Definitely gonna be...

    Job Completed by: Benjo Kasala
  • As always, fantastic. Four beautiful tracks to choose from. You can't go wrong with Sean, my highest possible recomme...

    Job Completed by: Sean Hurley
  • Fili is a magician! If you are looking for the best to ever do it look no further 10/10 every time. Fili will take yo...

    Job Completed by: Fili Filizzola
  • Aaron is an amazing vocal producer. He’s always thoughtful and collaborative, making sure my vocals sound incredible....

    Job Completed by: Aaron Bryn
  • Top professional who listened to my needs and worked with me to bring my track to the next level! Thanks again for e...

    Job Completed by: Miguel Malheiro (PCS)
  • Worked with Dakari for awhile now and he's goated always gets it right on the first mix. Aint no one better then him ...

    Job Completed by: Dakari
  • Hollie H accomplished exactly what I needed for my project. Quick turnaround and great communication. Thank you!

    Job Completed by: Hollie H
  • Amazing working with Tom again. Great communication, great skills and fast delivery. Perfect.

    Job Completed by: Tom Frampton