Music Production & Engineering Job Board

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Aaron D.
Aaron D.

Need 9 Short Trap Songs Mixed For Demo

I have 9 songs, avg length 2mins. Complete with stems. Trap new school sound. Looking for an engineer who can bring the songs life, giving it ...

Elizabeth E.

need 1 song to be produced

I need someone to produce my song called Spicy, someone who can make a beat to go with the song, mix and master it for a hip hop beat similar ...

Josh D.
Josh D.

I need a track produced around an accapella melody. Think Rose(blackpink), Post Malone

thw songs melody is generally complete but the instrumental is missing. Its nned to be simple but punch in the hook.

Hunter D.

Need 1 song produced

I need someone who can produce a full backing track in the style of 'AVA' by Natalie Jane. The song is written. I have not figured out a tune/...

John J.

I'm looking for a slow lyrical and emo-rap producer

I have around 20 completed songs written out ranging from slow lyrical to rap. I've been struggling on creating music for them and gave up all...


Need 1 song produced

Hello, looking for help in finishing this song I’ve written. I have the song finished but it’s about the music that has me stunted. I’m curren...

Matt B.

Need mixing producer for rap song(s)

I am in the process of recording several rap songs that I've written. I have instrumentals for the songs so those likely won't need any mixing...

simon g.

Female Vocals

I'm looking for a female vocalist to replace the female vocal track on this demo of a quirky duet. There are BVGs on verse 1, the middle 8 and...


Songs for Film

We are seeking talented individuals or teams to create original songs for our upcoming film. You will be provided with detailed guidelines, in...

Basil A.

looking for expert vocal editors

I record vocals over type beats (ready-made beats) and need an expert for vocal editing and mixing. Vocal editing should include everything ne...

Matthew R.

Need songs recorded and produced

I’ve finished writing a few songs. I would like guidance and help on recording and production. So far I only have raw vocals. The songs are a ...

Isaac H.
Isaac H.

Need help writing a worship song.

I am looking for songwriting help for an Easter project I’m working on for our church. This would be a song that we could sing year-round, wit...

El M.

Looking for mix and master engineer

Hi, I am looking for someone to mix and master a song of mine. I did a lot of mixing and mastering on the song on Logic Pro, but I would like ...

Emilio E.

2 songs mixed and mastered

Hey! I hope all is well, i have two tracks which need mixing and mastering, they’re both post punk in Spanish, influences are Depresion Sonora...

jeshean P.

Need my upcoming songs mixed

I have 4 songs recorded . All of them have near about 40 tracks . I got my other songs mixed mastered by someone else but I am not feeling the...

Recent Successes
  • Absolutely love working with Haley, impeccable quality as always on her timbre and recording quality. She's so talent...

    Job Completed by: Haley Maze
  • Chris is an absolute pro—this was my fifth time working with him, and he never disappoints. His guitar skills are inc...

    Job Completed by: Chris McQueen
  • Adam sounds great. He's easy to work with, very communicative and professional. Audio recording quality is also reall...

    Job Completed by: Adam Sass
  • Another great experience with Mike, he’s the best person to work with remotely thanks to excellent communication. Ver...

    Job Completed by: Michael Arrom
  • Simply the best! Great communication, organization, etc and of course such a talented singer. Will work with Cat over...

    Job Completed by: Glasscat
  • Another outstanding contribution from Andres. Read the song immediately and instinctively knew what would work to bes...

    Job Completed by: Andrés Hayes
  • My favorite collaborator! Thanks Rob and Sue!

    Job Completed by: Rob Manzoli.
  • Great lyrics, great vocals, the work was done perfectly and with great taste. Thank you

    Job Completed by: R Reed
  • Perfect and Professional in every way!! Honey B Sweet's delivery was energetic, creative and passionate. I loved the...

    Job Completed by: Honey-B-Sweet
  • We had the best experience with Haley! Her voice is fabulous across genres, and she did a brilliant job adding nuance...

    Job Completed by: Haley Schattschneider
  • Once again, an exciting and successful project with karlo. Everything was perfect and, as always, at the highest prod...

    Job Completed by: SwitchBlade/Higher Lane
  • Chris is amazing to work with - great ideas and quick turnaround. Looking forward to working with him again! Thanks!

    Job Completed by: Chris Commisso