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Cedarville Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Unique Professional Sound
Clean, vibrant and full mixes. I always strive to give artists the best sound possible
Hey. I’m Allie. I’m a songwriter. I make fun, commercial raps, R&B and pop songs. I’m dependable and ready to work. I’ve attached a couple of songs for your review. Feel free to contact me.
Hi! My name is Artem Gribov and I'm a composer! I work in all kinds of music genres and also have a great interest of working with film score, trailer soundtracks and orchestral music.
Been doin' mixing, recording, mastering, producing and post-production in broadcast and studio for the last 15 years. Done over 100+ shows, live albums, movies, adds and series. Let me help you get what you want and need!
From Italy with Quality, just an artist who likes collaborating with musicians all over the world!
Get a world class mix and mastering for your songs
Guitarist, Beatmaker, Producer, Mixing and Mastering Engineer working with bands/artists worldwide.
Recent Successes
"I came to Ivana with a somewhat rough idea of my melody. She came back to me with a perfectly delivered lead track and tons of amazing harmonies that brought my song to life in a way that I would not be able to produc..."
"Everybody associated with Club Noir literally told me to tell Ariel "We love you Ariel"--his mixes are so good. He works hard, is humble, and has never complained once (and we're about as picky as you get--although I ..."
"Meredith is a great singer with a personal, mellow and cool voice. She has performed on two of our songs and delivered the material in a quick and professional manner. We can truly recommend Meredith! :-) "
"Definitely 5 Stars!!!"
"Been a while since I recorded and I went back to Stvrk, as usual, the man exceeds and enhances your track further than you can imagine! elite mixing skills combined with true professionalism and dedication to get the ..."
"Matt is great! Besides being an amazing drummer with a great track record playing with a Ton of artists , he does an amazing job of producing super high quality tracks. He is extremely friendly and has great instin..."
"Was already a fan of Doug's work from researching his credits so my expectations were high. Lucky for me my expectations were surpassed as I got back 2 perfect masters. The masters were louder (without any sacrifice..."
"Amazing producer, insightful, supportive, true professional. ROger throughout this process was patient, understanding, and detail oriented. He was able to take my shoddy thumbnails and expound on them, bringing them..."
"Second time working and im super happy with the results. FWA has an amazing voice and delivers fast and professionally recorded vocals. Looking forward to next time "