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Top Music Songwriters for hire
These professional songwriters can turn your lyrics or ideas into a polished song
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My name is Heludee and I am a songwriter. I have a degree in Piano, Vocals and Music Technology I was awarded in Akademia Music Awards and many of my songs were nominated to be played in commercials and T.V shows in U.S.A, such as Olive Garden and 'Synchronicity - The Beauty Whsiperer' TV show.
Guitarist / Producer / Mixing Engineer / Songwriter working from a bespoke studio known as Chime Tone Studio.
Won a scholarship from the music company of Trinidad and Tobago for an original song that I wrote in Spanish and Performed with the Cuatro that my mother insisted I learn.
I write lyrics and melodies FOR ANY genre especially rap hooks, raps, hip hop lyrics, pop, I sing incredible lead vocals and background vocals of any genre and I rap and also play piano and program beats. I write everything from country, rap, pop, r&b, indie and dj. I have had cuts in ALL genres.
Guitar Player, Song Writer, Keyboard Player, Singer, for more than 15 years, as well as Music Teacher. Songs produced and released on many audio stores (Apple Store, Deezer, Spotify, and so on).
The perfect duo for a perfect song!
I am a new songwriter-music maker for edm,pop and rock and i can help you make your song
Musician for more than 15 years, I am a producer for my solo musical project Fracton and bassist/mixing engineer for Dadabovic.
Recent Successes
"WOW WOW WOW can Bea lay down a track. Personally, I LOVE pop music. And Bea hit my mark. And she is so creative. Completely unafraid to explore when asked to just go for it. She's been a favorite of mine on Soundbette..."
"Another project I've worked with Ziv that I'm proud of Ziv provided me the top quality track I needed when I needed it, under a big pressure. It was truly a pleasure working with him! Looking forward to next time! ..."
"It was a pleasure to work with Nick - very efficient and definitely does his best to deliver the exact vision you're after for your next song. Very professional and talented, keen to work together again soon! :) "
"As always Bruce did a fantastic job! He's played pedal steel and fiddle on several songs for me and his musicianship is outstanding. Highly recommended!"
"Aaron continues to be a bright spot in the creative process for me. Not only does he return a complete, polished, top-of-the-line product, but also provides great feedback on tracks to make sure they reach their poten..."
"Tyler can sing! Man this guy has pipes. Also he knows how to produce tracks fully and really helped school me with understanding how to make a new song. Thanks Tyler!"
"As always - Steve takes care of business - and why I have worked with him on over 20 singles, A true delight and I highly recommend him. "