Music Production & Engineering Job Board

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Zoe M.

Looking For Producer

I'm a new artist looking to release an EP this winter. I have 4 songs written and I've already recorded demos to MIDI tracks (example song att...

Dj T.
Dj T.

Need a female vocalist for a chorus

I have done producing and recording my track, but I think it will sound a lot more better with a female vocal on the chorus. the style is kind...


Need cover for a song

I need a vocalist to cover a placeholder vocal for a track. Since the melody and lyrics already exist, could you give a budget for it? The tra...

Levi H.
Levi H.

Need instruments added, produced and mixed for 1 song

I have 1 song wrote with lyrics but need instruments added while also needing it produced and mixed. Lyrics are of patriotic references with i...

Jesper H.
Jesper H.

Need a very good female vocalist

Looking for a Female singer for a song and future collaborations where all the lyrics and the vocal melody are already written where I have a ...

Tyler K.

Looking for male singer for dnb project

I'm looking for someone to sing this chorus and bring it to a whole different level. Maybe even some harmonies in the verses too (:

Kyle R.

Top Line for Synthy Melodic House Track

Hello I need a male vocalist to do a topline for a melodic house track I'm working on. I have some samples where the melody kinda works, so th...

Ambrose A.

House Vocals

I have a tech house track that needs catchy lyrics and female vocals. I am looking for reference vocals like Fisher - Atmosphere and Chris lak...


Need 4 original Songs with ref vibes like adele, miley cyrus but in portuguese

Hello! I need 4 original songs that highlight my vocal range and bring a powerful sound, similar to the style of Adele, Celine Dion and Miley ...


Need a song mixed and mastered.

I have a song with about 25 stems. It's in the drill style with some alternative elements. There's room for some Travis Scott style effects on...


Bachata Guitar Needed - Bass Guitar & Classic Guitar for a (English) Latin Music Song

I'm a singer and songwriter working on a bachata record from scratch. I have all the parts I want, but the track is missing that modern "bacha...


R&B Track Needs Mixing and Vocal Editing

I have a song that needs mix and mastering and vocal editin. I want my vocals to not sound like they are autotuned but i want the song to be b...

Jonas R.
Jonas R.

I’m looking for a music producer/music lover/collaborator to create my upcoming songs with!

Hey everyone, I’m Joonas, a pop artist based in London! I have this philosophy that when both the artist and the producer take ownership o...

Clive C.

Need a string section

I have a demo of an original song with a Piano Guide. My vision for the song is only Strings with the Viola being a prominent instrument. The ...


Hi I need 3 songs mixed and mastered

Ive finished 4 songs and am looking for a professional mixer to mix and master my songs. I’ve roughly mixed the track myself to give an idea o...

Recent Successes
  • It is rare to find someone who manages to combine such solid technical expertise with genuine kindness and encouragem...

    Job Completed by: Alex PGSV
  • When I was looking for someone to professionally mix and master my song, I listened to samples and tracks from variou...

    Job Completed by: Guy Gabriel
  • Federico did a great job on a clarinet track for an orchestrated song. Great playing, great sounding recording. Ver...

    Job Completed by: Federico Mastronardi
  • Sefi is the kind of experienced professional I could only have expected to work with after becoming one of the lucky ...

    Job Completed by: Sefi Carmel
  • I love having Wil at the keys. It doesn't take much direction to get the perfect piece. I'll continue to use him. Top...

    Job Completed by: Wil Houchens
  • Great producer! Quick, helpful and informative.

    Job Completed by: Nate Raubenheimer
  • Jorge laid down some bodacious beats for this unusual tune. He played a variety of choices which gave us many opt...

    Job Completed by: JORGE VARDE
  • Another absolutely brilliant bit of musicianship by Mike! He really has a knack for adding the perfect parts to a son...

    Job Completed by: Mike Severs
  • First time working with Victoria and I couldn't be happier with the result. Top quality vocal performance, recording ...

    Job Completed by: Victoria Grant
  • Conor nailed the song in one go!! He understood the emotion and vibe required. Vey fast with communication and took o...

    Job Completed by: Conor Robertson
  • Austin always provides a top service and that’s why I always go back to him!

    Job Completed by: Austin Leeds
  • It’s always a pleasure to collaborate with Mari on lyrics. She consistently brings fresh ideas and creative inspirati...

    Job Completed by: Mariami