Music Production & Engineering Job Board

Sample of Recent Jobs

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Augustin B.

I need an album produced for my band.

For the last few months my bandmates and I have worked on composing songs for a potential album. These songs vary in style but are all in the ...

Samuel M.

I need 2 beats made in the style of hip hop in the form of dark synth please

I have some lyrics to 2 different songs that I have finished and I need a beat to match with these songs. Im looking to work with a beat that ...

Colin G.
Colin G.

Collaboration Request for Music Production

My name is Colin, and I'm seeking expertise in producing a song. I'm primarily a vocalist with basic production knowledge, using Logic Pro. Th...

Bas K.

I need 6 tracks mastered

I am looking for someone to master our EP. We are a three-member band with a rock background and are experimenting with an electronic sound. I...

John B.

Need 1 Pop Punk Song vocals tuned/edited, mixed, mastered

Hi! My band is looking for someone to edit vocals, mix/master our new track. It is about 3 and a half minutes long. It will be about 20 stems ...

Johnny T.

I just need my song to be mastered

I record one song and I need a professional engineer to help me master my song

Asumadu A.
Asumadu A.

I need one song produced.

My name is Alexander I live in italy I am a songwriter and also a singer, I want you to help me to produce one song in a style of Jerusalem, t...


Need approx. 4 songs produced/mixed

I have a lot of song ideas and some finished songs that needs to be produced/mixed. Go listen to «Ane» on spotify to get an idea of the genre/...

Patricia D.


We are making a feature film, we want the music to be a mix of country, indie-rock, we wish a song or two and theme music.

Brett C.

Need vocals for one song

What would you charge for a pretty straight forward pop/edm type arrangement …no writing involved , just ‘better’ the scratch vocal…some harmo...

Melissa M.

Music Production

I am in the planning stage for a demo I would like to have produced for a lyric I have written. The genre I imagine would be Pop/Alternative....

Fatimah N.

An engineer

I need an engineer . I'm currently making tracks , however I'm looking for a beat maker as well as an engineer. I'd have to discuss it with a ...

Ashley D.
Ashley D.

I need a song mixed and mastered to perfection!

I just recorded a Hip Hop song and I need it mixed and mastered. I currently have a basic mix and master, but I want to take the song to the n...

Theo C.

Need a song produced

I need a song recorded with just voice (melody + harmony). The song is around 1 minute and 40 seconds long. I already have the lyrics and melo...


I need between 1 to 10 songs produced.

Most of my songs require 1 or 2 vocal takes tops for a final vocal comp. I'm multi-instrumental and you can just record me if that's easier. ...

Recent Successes
  • As always, Ziv did an incredible job. Besides being an extremely skilled guitarist, he also has a unique talent for ...

    Job Completed by: Ziv Shalev
  • John did a fantastic and efficient job in getting every instrument clear and crisp, and building a solid and punchy m...

    Job Completed by: John Davis
  • My go to mastering engineer!

    Job Completed by: Fred Miller
  • Fantastic playing from Jon, came in super quick and was perfect on the first go - couldn't be happier!

    Job Completed by: Jon Graboff
  • Andres is extremely gifted, he always does an amazing job. I definitely recommend him.

    Job Completed by: Andres Mayo
  • I have used Darren a few times for songs sometimes of a different genre and his professionalism, communication skill...

    Job Completed by: Darren Fewins
  • Ezequiel is a brilliant musician with a big sound. His articulations, dynamics and sectional bnlend is exactly what I...

    Job Completed by: Ezequiel Cohen
  • Great producer and engineer! So easy to work with and very professional.

    Job Completed by: Eric Sanicola
  • SIME proved to be again fast and extremely professional! Is it possible to rate more than 5 stars?!? Well, absolutely...

    Job Completed by: SIME
  • Holy Smokes! Dr.Ford brought my vision to life and I could not be more pleased with the results. A true professional ...

    Job Completed by: Dr.Ford
  • Eric did a fine job on our Song, communication was great - Thanks!!

    Job Completed by: Eric Sneo
  • Gal has consistently demonstrated exceptional expertise in recording drums and percussion for my projects. Collaborat...

    Job Completed by: Gal Gershovsky