Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Valerio Scanu
Recording piano/keyboard/organ/synth parts for your songs/tracks (each kind of musical genre) or piano solo parts with top quality instruments, hardware and vsts
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I am J-Doc , a self-taught and constantly learning artist, producer, engineer. I am here to make myself better by extending my work globally. Feel free to contact me and ask me anything. I hope I can help you and you can help me! Continue to grow and be free.
Hi, Im' Bruno, producer and guitarist from Buenos Aires with vast experience in arrangements, sound alike and original productions for artists, jingles and dance music. Graduate musician and audio technician, working free lance and Buenos Aires based electronic artist in world known record labels like Plattenbank and Stripped Recordings since 2015.
Rich, pitch perfect soul
6 years old music producer from L.A. I make all kinds of music, but focus more on EDM and orchestral. I'll get the job you need done very fast.
Would love to hear from you. Click the contact button above to get in touch. Something original that will give your project exclusivity, but not too innovative, so that the public can understand your music and have a commercial but original product.
Islamic Nasheed Singer
creator of the hit single, "Ferrari"
Industry quality mix and mastering engineer
Recent Successes
"I'm very happy how John turned my poem to my wife into a heartfelt song. She has not heard it as of this writing but can't see how she couldn't love it. Good communication and very open to my suggestions."
"Sunnie has a stunning voice and is a pleasure to work with. She's intuitive and a perfectionist at doing the job to your specs. Can't wait to work with Sunnie again!"
"On Chris' profile under "Sounds Like" he puts himself and it turns out to be very true. He recorded a great drum track and importantly it also sounds unique. He offered a variety of initial takes and was quick to prov..."
"Evan helps our tracks sound great! Very professional with an excellent turnaround. Highly recommended!"
"Excellent job as usual from Sefi. He efficiently goes back&forth on the mixdown until it's perfect; uses subtle FX v tastefully; plus, he had some great production suggestions + feedback. Make sure you ask him for ..."
"I think I have finally find the best mix & master service ! Will work again with you thanks."
"I spent a long time looking for a suitable voice for my song Berlin (Berlin), raw, experienced and very emotional. When I heard Rudiger I knew immediately that ’s it what I was looking for! Rudiger sent me perfect wav..."
"ONE OF THE BEST!! MIXES! EVER! Z pulled out all the stops and then some! This song is a phoenix 🐦🔥 RISING! A R & R banger if I’ve ever heard one! "