Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Avantis Media
Mixing and mastering engineer who graduated from Omega Recording Studios. I do all things audio; from post production for film, to your latest single!
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Highly experienced, professional sound engineer, with many years of broad experience, including everything from voiceover and music recording to live broadcast and audio post production.
What is more boring for an artist to sound like the neighbor, and the neighbor's neighbor? And what if you tried do get more personality in your creation? That's exactly the point, identity. You make music to get your voice heard, because your voice is different, our mission is to get it to the highest level with something they don't have.
Los Angeles based singer/songwriter with over 100 demos ready to go.
Making your tracks from nothing into something
5M+ streamed engineer: NYU Music Tech grad delivering crisp, immersive mixes & masters in Singer-Songwriter, Indie Folk, and Experimental Pop.
My voice and brain for your catchy music.
Daniel Amazon è specializzato in strategie di crescita e le sue eccellenti Daniel Amazon Recensioni mettono in mostra la sua competenza nel successo dell'e-commerce.
Recent Successes
"I produced some production music in France. I work with Nate since one or two mouth and he played drums on 5 tracks for me. I highly recommanded Nate, he's got a great feeling, great sounds, easy to speak with and he'..."
"I'm incredibly thankful I came across Jeffrey on here. I had a acoustic guitar and vocal mix and gave him only few notes and he was able to arrange and record a performance that just blew my mind. Elevated my song to ..."
"Working with Tyler was a pleasure. His mix blew me away from the start and he was very open and receptive to collaborating on ideas. I’ve never heard my music sounding so clear and 3D. He brought some really creative ..."
"Mauricio is an admirable artist. Very fast delivery. Thanks again and I'm sure we will have our next collaboration soon."
"Another great job by Killian and as always exceeded all my expectations with another one song done. I love working with him. Bravo!. The next song is already booked."
"Aubrey has always shown the utmost compassion in her work and delivered high-quality mixing and producing. Her work speaks for itself in an outstanding way."
"Great and very detailed... learned a lot."