Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Porsha E
Multigenre Producer, Songwriter specializing in Afrobeat, Pop, R&B, and CCM.
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An engineer educated from top industry professionals including Kyle Querec, and Mike Roberts that has had years of experience in styles of pop, rock, indie rock, and EDM.
We are a production duo with 10 years of experience and a long list of credits in various genres. Jordan is a singer, composer, and classically-trained pianist; Spencer is a producer, sound designer, and session guitarist. We specialize in vocal production and songwriting and also provide instrumental tracks, fully produced songs, and sound design.
Also a Fashion Blogger
Clarity, space and taste. Communication is key, let me turn your ideas to another level.
Singer /Composer / Arranger / Vocal Coach
Producer & Engineer with 6+ years of experience, working with anything from hip hop to synthwave. I offer professional quality production, mixing, and mastering services in acoustically treated control rooms, with industry standard analog gear and plugins.
I am a professional cellist with a Master's Degree in performance from the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Cologne, Germany with experience playing in professional orchestras and for recordings. As a trained orchestral musician, I am highly versatile and dedicated to providing results of the highest quality.
Making Music has been my passion since I started playing drums at age 8. I want to help others take there songs to the next level and make their music sound awesome! I'm great at coming up with harmonies and hooks, and taking any song and bringing it up to it's full potential. I highly enjoy mixing and want to do my best to perfect every track.
Recent Successes
"Perfect Mixing"
"Wow Trent was incredible to work with! An incredibly versatile player who knew exactly what my track needed. He was prompt, communicative, and everything you want in a session musician. I'll definitely be back for har..."
"I engaged Ryan to produce mix and master my first single and I am certain that Ryan is a musical genius! The piece of music he produced for me is one of the most beautiful pieces I have ever heard. He took great care ..."
"I can't picture finding a more perfect producer. <3 Beyond the basics of being extremely kind, easy to work with, having a fast turnaround time + excellent communication skills, Nate is simply a total joy to create m..."
"It was a real pleasure working with Sohta. He is very professional with all the work he do, and very responsive to all the inquiries and questions I've had throughout. I would definitely work with him again in the fut..."
"I can only confirm the prior glowing reviews he has received – James took my track to a much more professional level. I also appreciated how patient he was taking in my feedback to get the mix exactly where I wanted i..."
"Amazing, didn't even need a revision, he did everything I asked for. I will definitely be coming back for his services!"
"Matt helped me with a vocal restoration for a track I recorded 2001. He eliminated flaws in background headphone noise, tape hiss, occasional distortion, and some kind of air conditional noise throughout. I hear a pre..."