Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ophidian Breeze
Bring your track to life with my unique, dynamic hip hop and metal skill based vocal performances. I capture raw storytelling and bring a distinct sound to every song I either get hired on for or take on as my own.
Specializing in Producing: Heavy Metal / Rock / Hip Hop / Band Music (Americana). If you are looking to hire a top level professional Producer, Songwriter, Mixer, or mastering engineer, look no further. Let's change the way you hear yourself!
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I have a degree in Audio Engineering and I specialize in instrumental arrangement and music production. All genres welcome!
"OALP" produces soulful Melodic Techno Music with combination of digital and analogue instruments sourced within his own studio.
I have played guitars on hundreds of songs and I am familiar with many genres including rock, pop, country, metal, praise and worship, blues, etc.
WIH STUDIO is an audio and video production to produce all types of content. eg We Deal in Audio Recording, Console Mixing, Movies, Dramas Dubbing, Video Songs ,Naat, Nuhy, Qawali, Documentaries, Commercial etc.
Assignment Studio is the leading assignment help service that has been successfully serving the students of Australia, UK, Canada, and Singapore for almost ten years now.
Mastering | Mixing We are the woodbase team, which is engaged in mixing, mastering and preparing your tracks for work.
I will mix your songs to get the best out of your productions
Audio engineer/producer for Smooth Nature. "Waterslide", "No More", and "How Would It Feel?," all produced, recorded, mixed, and mastered by yours truly. Studied audio engineering in a professional recording studio for 2 years and worked on countless projects of all genres, but I have big soft spot for the more experimental and electronic projects.
Recent Successes
"Justin did a PHENOMENAL job with my track. Delivered exactly what I was looking for and turned it around so fast. Highly recommend!"
"Amazing professionalism & ease of communication"
"Leo did a beautiful job on my song. The level of musicianship he brings to the table is exactly what I was looking for, and I'm beyond happy with the work. Incredible!"
"Amazing drummer and very talented. Gave me more than enough to work with! "
"Milana is amazing!!! I am so thrilled with how she brought my song to life. She is so fantastic to work with. Will definitely continue working with her!!!"
"2nd song mixed and mastered by Ben. The results sound amazing. Besides all the technical know-how, Ben adds a creative layer with beautiful and unique touches that take your track to the next level. Always down to ear..."
"I’ve worked with Brad several times and he never ceases to amaze me! He’s quick, responsive, detail oriented, extremely creative, and more! I’ll continue working with him and highly recommend you to do the same."
"Absolutely world class Percussionist & Drummer who somehow, despite doing what he does for more than half a century(!) still has the passion of a teenager. Creativity, musicality, versatilely, professionalism - the wh..."
"Aleesia is one of the best and easiest vocalists I’ve ever worked with. Not only did she deliver amazing vocals she has been helpful in the production of the track and gives very helpful advice/opinions on what could ..."