Music Production & Engineering Job Board

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Songs for Film

We are seeking talented individuals or teams to create original songs for our upcoming film. You will be provided with detailed guidelines, in...

Basil A.

looking for expert vocal editors

I record vocals over type beats (ready-made beats) and need an expert for vocal editing and mixing. Vocal editing should include everything ne...

Matthew R.

Need songs recorded and produced

I’ve finished writing a few songs. I would like guidance and help on recording and production. So far I only have raw vocals. The songs are a ...

Isaac H.
Isaac H.

Need help writing a worship song.

I am looking for songwriting help for an Easter project I’m working on for our church. This would be a song that we could sing year-round, wit...

El M.

Looking for mix and master engineer

Hi, I am looking for someone to mix and master a song of mine. I did a lot of mixing and mastering on the song on Logic Pro, but I would like ...

Emilio E.

2 songs mixed and mastered

Hey! I hope all is well, i have two tracks which need mixing and mastering, they’re both post punk in Spanish, influences are Depresion Sonora...

jeshean P.

Need my upcoming songs mixed

I have 4 songs recorded . All of them have near about 40 tracks . I got my other songs mixed mastered by someone else but I am not feeling the...

Mike B.
Mike B.

Need a beat or two

I was interested in getting some beats made and maybe some production work. If I had a beat idea and can beatbox it and let you know exactly h...

Tony V.

Seeking Songwriting and Composition Services for New Pop/R&B Track

Im looking for a talented songwriter and composer to help me develop a new pop/r&b track. I have a vision for a song with a similar vibe to "I...


Need Michael Buble Sound-a-like for Christmas Spot

Hello, We are looking for a male vocalist that sounds like Michael Buble (and maybe a slight bit deeper register) for a Christmas spot for ...


I working on 7 songs but one is coming out as a single and I want you mix it

The song that I want you to mix first hiphop and a traditional Ethiopian drum pattern. I have 25-30 stem files. The release date that we plann...


Need vocals re-recorded for my remix/cover of "Easy On Me" by Adele

I hope you’re doing well! I recently made a new remix/cover of "Easy On Me" by Adele, and I'm hoping to re-record the vocals. Right now, I ...

Albert D.

Need production help with live session of two songs

I’ve some songs who composed sir and I’m looking for a great producer with a great gospel feel to bring it like ..I’m looking at December /jan...

Mark B.

Vocal production on original song.

Nearing completion of the backing track. I wrote the song for myself and want to get a Sinatra feel to the song. My voice is like his in the l...

jordi t.


My name is Jordi, and I’m looking for an engineer to master my first personal project. This project blends EBM, electro, and experimental trac...

Recent Successes
  • Absolutely pleasure to work with Daniel. Extremely thoughtful, friendly and professional and a master at what he does...

    Job Completed by: Daniel Uribe Colorado
  • What a powerful mix with Marcello So full, warm, and so impactful!!

    Job Completed by: Marcello
  • If you need trumpet or flugel on your tracks, I'd highly recommend working with Gary. Smooth sailing from start to fi...

    Job Completed by: Gary Alesbrook
  • Stellar ☆ It's a kind of mAgic

    Job Completed by: Luke Moller
  • Myguel is an incredibly talented Singer & Songwriter! Fantastic delivery times, very professional and top-notch qua...

    Job Completed by: Myguel
  • Alex was so on the board and fully understood my vision. He was super professional and quick which I really appreciat...

    Job Completed by: ALOU Productions
  • Alex is an incredibly talented artist, producer, and engineer, and the one I fully trust with all my music needs. I ...

    Job Completed by: ALOU Productions
  • It’s awesome working with Gosteffects every time, nothing but top quality results

    Job Completed by: Gosteffects
  • I received a brilliant service from Alan. He was communicative, transparent, and helpful at every stage. I am very pl...

    Job Completed by: Alan Douches/WestWestSideMusic
  • 👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿

    Job Completed by: Steven Kubie Productions
  • Always great to work with!

    Job Completed by: BeatsMadebyFresh
  • Great work

    Job Completed by: Manel Ferreira