Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tilla
Mixing engineer based in Oslo, Norway, breaking into the business working with up-and-coming bands/artists such as Local favourite MÍO.
I am your Swiss Army Knife and I love to create 60s/70s/80s sounds.
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I provide a service that helps you get a better result for your mixes and mastering, just like the latest rules of dynamics within the EDM world nowadays.
Hi, I’m Brooke Stilla Vocalist, Lyricist, Topliner from Australia. I can’t wait to work with you on your project. Let’s make some magic!
Mis letras son historias que reflejan la realidad de las personas, y mi voz, carga la experiencia de 20 años de trayectoria musical, la potencia de la experiencia y la calidez de los ritmos caribeños y antillanos.
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Colombian female singer and songwriter based in Medellin dedicated to urban music such as reggaeton, trap, dancehall, r&b, etc. Aria has worked with Grammy Award winning and well known producers and songwriters such as Mosty, Justin Quiles, Dimelo Flow, Taiko and more for her personal project singed with the major label Warner Music.
Évoluant du côté de Port-Gentil, Wapiti est un artiste gabonais, performeur, très fan du Real Madrid. Il est présent dans la sphère musicale du chef-lieu de province de l'Ogooué Maritime.
I am a session trombonist from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I recorded with artists like WOS, and played live with Milo J, La Delio Valdez, Las Pastillas del Abuelo, Juan Cruz De Urquiza and more.
Doctoral level flutist, saxophonist, and clarinetist with two decades worth of experience in a wide variety of musical genres.
Recent Successes
"He did an unbelievable job mixing and mastering our track! He made it bright, loud, crisp, and clear and brought our song into the professional level. What a great price too, honestly the best deal available! "
"I worked with Yaniv before and this time again he did a great job mixing and mastering my track.Super fast work without compromising on quality. Great sound. Definitely, best mixing and mastering someone has ever done..."
"She is an amazing producer she brought an idea I had out into reality exactly how I wanted it, Definitely would recommend to anyone looking to make a song period "
"Kit is an amazing musician and really talented at his craft! He patiently did as many revisions as needed, was willing to talk at length about the project and showed so much enthusiasm and heart for what he does and w..."
"It was pleasure. Great harms... and communication was great. Thank you again!"
"What an amazing man Steve is. I pinch myself when I got Steve.... his work is extensive and the man is so gifted its frustrating lol. Anyway hit him up, you'll do no wrong with him at the helm."
"Jean is not only fun to work with but also professional and inspiring. He has the ability to communicate effectively, which made me feel comfortable sharing my ideas. His positive spirit and fantastic suggestions trul..."