Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with MÍO
Mixing engineer based in Oslo, Norway, breaking into the business working with up-and-coming bands/artists such as Local favourite MÍO.
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My name is Matan Shkedy, Mix & Mastering engineer \ Electronic music producer. Graduate @ BPM College. In these days i'm providing mix & mastering services for a very wide scale of music genres; from electronica to deep\tech house, EDM & Trance... I'm also a teaching assistant @ BPM College and Sound teacher @ DoronGiat Music School.
Music is all about the energy. My job isn't finished until you can't help but sing along to your own songs. I approach music from an artists' perspective, and use guitar pedals and outboard processing to create unique and immersive worlds for each song to live in.
Hi! I’m known as Storme. I’ve been writing music and performing musically and theatrically since I was about 13 years old. I love what I do and would love to create for you!
If you purchase a beat, girls will be on your meat. Come tap in wit ya boi!!!!
Had been an assistant engineer in one of the Taiwan's greatest studios, Platinum Studio. Now, I want to start my own business with the skill and experience of audio engineering I've cultivated over the years by providing satisfying service for customers. Specializing in Audio Mixing, Editing and Noise Reduction.
Bass player & mixing of Rock / Pop music more than anything.
Mi fuerte es la escritura, solo necesito lo sonoro, podemos buscarlo juntos y el concepto en cuanto al sentimiento a transmitir.
I play keyboards, guitar, percussions, sing, etc. if i got the instrument that you need and if the part is not extremely hard i can do it. We can talk about it
Recent Successes
"Brian is AMAZING! Not only is he patient he gets the job done fast and efficiently. Thank you so much Brian! "
"Best engineer I've worked with both in quality and speed"
"Quick and high quality work for vocals, tuning, mix and mastering. 👌🏽 Looking forward for the next proyect!"
"What can I say about Michelle? A lot actually but I'll stick to the most important things. Michelle brings magic to the music. She elevates every song she plays on. It's always super exciting to hear what gems she sen..."
"It was a pleasure working with Kimera Morrell! It's was my first time using Soundbetter. Kimera helped me and answered all my questions regarding our first music production on Soundbetter. The icing on the cake was he..."
"Kairy was such a pleasure to work with. She has a beautiful voice and it was a lot of fun collaborating with her! She definitely understood the vibe I was going for."
"Jaki was amazing in this project!! She had a beautiful voice and delivered a breathtaking and powerful vocal performance. She has completed the project exactly to the specifications with all vocal layers executed to p..."
"I am amazed at TRUTH's talent. No matter the project I bring to the table, she is incredibly versatile and brings her "A" game every single time. Super friendly, professional and she really wants you to be happy with ..."
"Arianna is a rare talent, and easily the best singer I work with. She's amazingly creative and comes up with the best vocal parts with the perfect tone and delivery for the song, plus she can read or perform what yo..."
"Another epic work from Daniel! He really takes the time to understand that track and build the best drumming section possible! You can really see it and feel it! Top bloke! He is my go to guy now! "