Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The New Eves
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Evert Daniel Aalten is keyboard/guitar player, studio engineer & producer at Scandal Studios (Netherlands). He is involved in many music projects, such as Alexander McKenzie & the Underpaid, Jackie Please, Boot Recordings and Ugandan Recordings. He is more and more involved in (music)film projects, filming, editing as well as making soundtracks.
Beat maker from Melbourne, Australia Have created many songs for other artists in genres ranging from House, EDM, Future Bass, Trap and more general Electronic Pop featuring plays in the millions on Soundcloud Hawksburn - https://open.spotify.com/artist/6eiGCb98KUVK1tm0WaCHV7?si=C6gTmEeGQgqEdeZR4LtV8g APAX - https://soundcloud.com/apaxmusic
I want to help people create great art. My main concern is that you are happy with what I send you. I want your song to be the best that it can be.
I work as hard as I can to find your individual sound style and make your music complete.
I'm a professional bass player, session musician, producer, and multi instrumentalist from Buenos Aires, i’ve a deep knowledge playing and producing various genres such as Pop, Hip Hop, Funk, Soul, RnB, Jazz, Rock, among many others. My strongness is making grooving, modern basslines. July and September Discounted Price, DM for more information.
Let's turn your idea into a fully produced, mixed and mastered track!
Gold-Selling Mixing Engineer, Producer & songwriter
I 'am a Musician and Music Producer.
Recent Successes
"Chuck has been a pleasure to work with and an absolute gentleman from the word go! Happy to take on board our preferences, and willing to go the extra mile extremely quickly for us, we can't rate him highly enough :) ..."
"Thanks to Chuck again, he is able to follow my instruction to provide the drum track. Since i didn't provide the reference drum info at the very beginning, which cost him to revise many times. But he is still very kin..."
"this is a a 5 stars services ... no complain .... straight to the point !!! ill Be BACK !!! "
"I’ve followed Fingazz for over 15 years, was a blessing to work with him and get a beat for my production needs. He delivered like I hope he would. Another Fingazz Classic!"
"Realy nice! Raf was very fast with answering and very accurate by talking about the Mix. The final result is very nice and exactly what i wanted for my track. Would definitely work with Raf again. "
"I asked for additional requirements, but he said he would gladly do it, so I received the work, and I was very satisfied. Thank you."
"Kate really out did herself on this new project! I am very pleased with it, as always the experience of working with Kate is truly the best. If i had to sum it up, there is nothing else like it if you want to work wit..."
"Brian is an incredibly skilled tabla player who was a joy to collaborate with. He understood my vision for my track and used his own creative abilities to come up with a tabla part that matched what I was looking for...."
"Excellent mastering once again!"