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Lab report constitutes 25% of science and engineering courses. Sadly, students devote little time writing them well. Even worse, they fail to recognize that each instructor looks for something different each time they assign a laboratory experiment. Leave that aside, of great importance is that a lab report should document critical findings of the experiment and communicate their significance. If you need help with essay choosing good write me an essay online in USA. Thus, comparing the observations in an experiment with the expected values is not enough. The idea is to demonstrate your comprehension of the data acquired and the underlying concepts in a way that can be used to base future laboratory research.
In a laboratory experiment of any kind, students are required to identify how and why variance occurred. We have a problem here. A problem, moreover, students are required to explain how such variances affected their experiment in a way that reflects a clear understanding of the phenomenon under examination.
The point of a lab report goes beyond the formatting to clear thinking and coherence in communicating ideas. At this point, you are probably wondering where to start. Apparently, that has come too late because you are almost done with your lab report!
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