Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sunstoney
Hiya! My name is Lilly Scott, I'm a professional vocalist, songwriter, producer, private instructor for voice/piano/guitar, and recording engineer. I currently run a recording studio in the Rocky Mountains of CO called "The Mine Studios." I've been performing under the band name "Pleasure Prince." I was also a top 10 finalist on American Idol 2010.
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More providers:
FOH, MONS, Guitar Tech, Drum Tech, TM. Can wear many hats.
We are an audio recording and mixing studio located on the border of Queens/Brooklyn NY. Contact us today for your audio needs.
Amir has worked for many years as a music producer, composer and songwriter in London, New York and Tel Aviv Piano, synths and other keyboards
I can write anything.
One Stop Shop for Incredible Content! Let’s Work!
I am a mainly lofi producer but on request I make other beats so if you want to do some collabs write me
Producer/Singer/Songwriter/Beatmaker/Guitarist/Lyrics Translator
Rap of all kinds / 20 years of experience / Recording studio in Europe and United States / Thousands of tunes done
Recent Successes
"We just completed another song. I cannot believe how fast it came together. Thank Again Mickey"
"Amazing musicians and the drum kit and the recording r amazing. He did what i asked exactly and exceeded my expectations! I recommend Jason for everyone. "
"Matt just did a great job, gave me several takes to choose from, five stars. Great performance and sound!"
"Efficient process, effective communication and overall great to work with. Look forward to working with again!"
"Working with Phil has been fantastic; from the start his focus was on what I wanted to achieve & getting under the skin of my musical influences to help me find the sounds I’ve been looking for. His support has be..."
"And another one in the can!! "
"Jerry is an inovative producer who does fabulous work. It was great to interact with him. I really like that he works with people all around the globe This ehances the mind and skillset greatly. Merci "
"In fact, we're still working together but I will say Jeff has gone beyond all expectations. On our initial meet, his vibe was instantaneous ~ very cool, very chill, super talented. Since, we've had several revisions a..."