Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pleasure Prince
Hiya! My name is Lilly Scott, I'm a professional vocalist, songwriter, producer, private instructor for voice/piano/guitar, and recording engineer. I currently run a recording studio in the Rocky Mountains of CO called "The Mine Studios." I've been performing under the band name "Pleasure Prince." I was also a top 10 finalist on American Idol 2010.
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Evo Ent is a music production company that offers professional composed music, song recording/mixing, and post mixing at an affordable price.
Efficient at Mixing, Mastering, and Production.
Earned more than 140.000 streams over a short time of 4 months. People recognize the sound & lyrics immediately. I can write for almost all genres, but love and heartbreaks are my specialy.
Music is life !
Wrote over 200 songs for clients in 2023. Track finisher/remixer, turning the ideas in your head into something tangible. I specialise in vibey Pop & Rock tracks that have character.
18 years professional experience in many genres with a sound & style that's flexible for the needs of your project!
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My unique rich low tones, mastery of vocal dynamics and strongly emotive sense of storytelling will help your project stand out from the pack. I have decades of musical theater experience and I excel at bringing the heart and the feeling to any vocal performance.
Recent Successes
"2nd son in row I have Austin remix for me. He does fantastic work. Highly recommended. "
"Another very groovy production with mark. It's a very great pleasure to work with!"
"everything went flawlessly"
"You might think it would take ages to get your master done due to high popularity, but Andres was super responsive and fast! as well as gave me a great result and was open to changes and different approaches! highly r..."
"Another bang up job by Martin. Hire. Him. Now!"
"Davi's a very talented accordionist who can get amazing performance with great tone and high-quality recording that blends in right away with your session. I love that you get multiple options with some more ornamente..."
"O M G Stop what you're doing now, and Get Jen on your team. SO GOOD! Super pro."
"Klaas is really great. I sent wrong files 2 times to Klaas and Klaas was still patient and helped me exactly what I did wrong. Also did an amazing job that I needed 0 revisions for. So Thanks Klaas Matthijs"
"It was awesome working with Andrea. He understood exactly what we were looking for in terms our overall sound and was always exceptional in his communication. Even the smallest revision requests were immediately add..."