Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pelé Milflows
My goal is to create memorable sound experiences. Nominated as a finalist in the best studio audio technician category in Espírito Santo.
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What's up! My name is Shuba. I was a semi-finalist on American Idol, sang for President Obama, sang for the Chicago Bulls, and opened for Train and Lindsey Stirling. I have been fortunate enough to get over 2 million plays on my original work and love collaborating with a variety of producers and songwriters.
My name is Travis Martin, who mixes under the name known as ZKAudio. A graduate from Full Sail University in Music Production I have done work for national touring acts like Twiztid, Blaze Ya Dead Homie and Razakel. I am completely ITB and uses plug ins from companies such as Waves, FabFilter, Soundtoys, Softube and many other well known companies.
Open Doors To Creativity & Freedom
Experienced jazzrock roots reggae pop Californian lead rhythm guitarist available for studio trackings tours gigs or to join or work with band and or artist. Working recording with the founders creators of rock steady and reggae music.
hiii! my name is hannah hausman. I'm an LA based singer-songwriter from tennessee. I've been singing and writing my entire life, and have currently amassed over 1.5 million streams on spotify. I love indie pop music and would love to help bring your project to life :)
If you like people and songs to be on time, I am your guy!
I'm a music producer who produces mainly trance and club music, and I also own a small independent label called Unitone.
I'm an experienced music artist, I produce my own music, write lyrics, preform vocally and program instruments on my computer. I also have worked on other people projects, especially vocally, top line and lyrics. you can know me more through my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MARISBENMusic
Recent Successes
"Austin surpassed all my expectations! When you work with him you get a producer, mix engineer and a DJ with a ton of experience all in one. He is as professional as it gets, great communication every step of the way, ..."
"I just completed my first job with KRAMER. He was very responsive and super knowledgeable....not to mention, he's a top notch mastering engineer. He's our new go-to guy! Excited to work together again soon. Can't say ..."
"A living legend"
"First time using Alex and will absolutely use him again. Masters sounded great and he did one over free of charge because I realized I messed something up on my end after he finished with it. Very satisfied with his ..."
"Second time working with Peter and the results were excellent, as expected. Truly a highly skilled professional, highly recommend to anyone looking to take their mix to the next level. "
"Chris was fantastic to work with! He is patient and works to make it it perfect, which is so important to me. "
"Fran is an amazing pianist, he's great with communication, makes sure that you're satisfied with the sound you want, and he's very talented and makes beautiful melodies! Can't wait for future projects :)"
"I reached out Justin to be the featured vocalist on my song "California". He wanted to hear it first, he liked it and went to work. His dedication and professional approach to delivering the tracks were rock solid. Hi..."
"Wonderfully creative and skilled take on my relatively simple composition, which I asked Francis to go wild with. Francis really put all passion and harmonic experience into this performance. Love!"
"Great guitarist to work with! If you need a professional and talented guitar player, Dan is your guy!"
"Elisa is my go-to singer for quite some time now and certainly one of my favourite singers! She's always professional in her communication and provides beautiful vocals. Highly recommended!"