Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sofia Camara
Hello, I'm Eddy, and I'm an international touring and session musician. I've been playing my whole life, I have a BMus in performance, and an MA in composition. I'd love to hear your song and see what I can add to it!
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Nine years of industry experience in live sound, corporate events, concerts, studio recording, film production, and video game sound design.
For us, every person, every couple, every family is unique and we strive to create images that reflects your personality and elegantly tell your story and the magic in your passion. In good humor and friendliness, we propose to accompany you to your rise to stardom with modern Sounds Through.
My name is Jack and I'm a 17 year old recording, mixing and mastering engineer. I am currently taking a music production diploma at a world famous university, the Academy of Contemporary Music. I have already received top marks for my level 1 & 2 music technology BTEC. I have over 4 years experience in mixing and recording!
I play drums since 2010 and it's been over 5 years since I started to record drums. I learnt a lot and I'm ready to show you how I can add my touch to any of your projects.
Recording handmade music & mixing almost everything that comes our way since 2007, 70+ productions released, 70+ demos & live recordings, very high percentage of returning customers, several bands have recorded three and more albums with us. We have a huge number of highly professional sessions musicians too, to complete your projects
Birrrrd gangggg 🍞🐦💸
Mixed and Mastered over 500 songs in the last 5 years Professionally. 5 years of experience as a sound engineer I focus on Creative expression as an artist and engineer. A Computer Scientist who can Navigate any Digital workspace
Lead guitar player for the legendary death metal band Cancer and a prolific solo artist with many albums that showcase his versatility and technical prowess. Now, Robert channeling his vast experience into the world of music production by launching a professional mixing and mastering service, designed for both up-and-coming and established acts.
Recent Successes
"Another outstanding experience for me..Marcello turned an average song into something I fell in love with....and he did it in record time!! Everyone should have the good fortune of working together with Marcello...He..."
"I don't think I could possibly put into words just how great and supportive Manny was throughout this process! If you go with Manny, you'll get that modern killer sound you were looking for! You'll also get an experie..."
"7Harder deals with the production in a professional way. He is very easy to communicate with and utilized skills to produce the sounds I was looking for. He was also very patient every time I asked for modify specific..."
"Lucas is a phenomenal producer and musician. He has blown me away with his attention to detail and has mad guitar skills. It's a cohesive process and a joint effort to make great music. He makes the job a full partner..."
"Camilo Silva. One of the best mastering engineers in the world, or maybe the best? We loved working with Camilo on the masting of Kickoman's record 'Sonidos del Barrio'. During the process, a few minor revisions..."
"Dude got talent! Took on my worst project I have as the last boss I couldn't defeat. The song is still under process.. but even tho im still very confident to finish the song with his high industry stems. I would ..."
"Good singer. Gives you exactly what you want on lead and bgs and has a quick turnaround. Very easy to work with. Would use again."