Singer-Songwriter Singer - Male

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Mixing and Mastering - Stage Studio and Technology

I have mixed songs for many bands and got very positive feedback, I use all Waves Audio plugins in Reaper.

Songwriter, Vocalist - TOBI GHOST

Session Guitarist - Tone Freak - Cris Torres

My name is Cris Torres and I'm a Guitarist! I love music and everything about it so I'm always looking to create beautiful melodies, comp lines, background guitars etc. My main goal is to help producers, composers and other musicians to bring their thoughts to the reality using my guitars, knowledge and creative soul. Let's find how can I help you!

Music Producer & Songwriter - Rose Green

I'm all-around level Music Producer; beatmaker, songwriter, radio host and Podcast creator, some mixing and mastering.

Recording studio, Mixing - Velvet Estudio

Professional recording and production studio with great acoustics, gear and staff. Located in one of the best spots in Bogota, Colombia.

Remote Mixing & Mastering - Evgeni

I’ve had had over 6 years in the music of all genres, film scores and television, production, mixing, editing, voice overs, music writing, mastering, etc

Writer and Marketing Manager - Maria Waheed

We are providing amazing quality lenses.

Alcalde Abogados - Alcalde Abogados

Conoce más sobre los más destacados profesionales que hay en la zona. Cuenta con la experiencia necesaria para garantizar los más destacados resultados. Mira cual es el Abogado en Córdoba mejor valorado en la actualidad. Y dentro de un completo Bufete de abogados con muchos especialistas.

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