Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sheyi Shay
Melody and vibe
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I grew up in music. It did not take long before I choose it as my profession. Profession that I studied in all of its sides, from the practice of my instrument (I'm a pianist and keyboardist) to the world of sound engineering, production and music market. I am constantly growing, all my work is an opportunity to learn a new way of making music.
*** 0 time GRAMMY Award winning engineer*** I am just like you. A guy in his bedroom working on tunes. The difference is I'm dope at music and my bedroom is a fully treated studio. I sleep in the closet. Yes, seriously.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your music online can make all the difference. Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. Don’t compare yourself to others, make it stand out!
Producer, all genres, from making the instrumental to mastering.
Music production, recording, mixing & mastering for rock, alternative, metal and folk for more than 25 years. I am the one who is responsible for the special things. If you want standard, go to another one!
Singer & songwriter,translator, English to Polish [retain colorful and poetic quality]. My original songs are in Polish but I sing in English too. If you need vocal for your song or translation etc. - write to me. I've got You tube channel, my songs are on Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, etc. My music videos are played on TV music stations in Poland.
I have high and low pitch in other words I am versatile singer.I can impersonate many singers voices.
Let me provide you with professional, high-quality bass parts for your project. I have experience in all genres with a specific focus on Country/Americana and Funk music but am proficient in all genres. I've toured all over America with a number of artists in all types of music. I am able to send you polished bass parts very quickly.
Recent Successes
"Yoed gave another fantastic performance and recording on my score. I had missed to ask for something initially and he gracefully accomodated the late request in a revision."
"Chris is amazing to work with. Very professional and good communication. He has delivered as expected. I look forward to working with him again."
"Great banjo track, quick turnaround and great to work with. Highly recommend! "
"You did an Ameazing Job, I can't wait to release my song .. Im so so happy cuz you really took in concideration everything that I asked you.. Thanks for your patience, Thanks to make my voice sound perfect and my musi..."
"Jessie is absolutely fantastic both in terms of her vocal performance as well as an ability to understand and enhance nuances in a track to make it sound as good as possible. I’d strongly recommend her for any session."
"Nick was so easy to work with and created something amazing from a midi file and some rough vocals. Would highly recommend to anyone wanting production done. Thank you so much! "
"This guys is the best around. Drew creates the most beautiful melodies you could ask for and gives you exactly what you’re looking for (but may not even necessarily know yet). Not only that but he’s the nicest guy ..."
"5 stars all the way. Let's break it down! Jimmy was always able to be reached and really seemed to care. He put his ego aside on a few production choices we wanted changed, bent over backwards to make our vision co..."