Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Angel District
Spacious, wide and label-ready professional mixing and mastering.
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We are Nashville's best kept secret recording studio and service that specializes in giving your songs that Nashville sound! If you are a songwriter looking to record a fully produced radio-ready recording of your song using world-class musicians, look no further.
Graduated 4 years ago from audio engineering school, haven't stopped working on my craft since.
BoomBox Studios is a recording studio located in downtown Beirut, featuring the best of both vintage Analogue and modern Digital equipment. Music is our life, and we love making a huge sound in an intimate setting.
The affordable musician for hire for pop/soul/alternative/indie sounds.
I'm a lifelong musician, from a family of musicians. As a multi-instrumentalist (drums, guitar, bass, saxophone, keyboards), I have a passion for clarity and balance in mixes that allows each instrument and voice to speak with its unique timbre, all to heighten the emotional quality and connection of the song. I'd love to work with you.
My name is Keegan Raves, and I specialise in turning good music into great music. Whether you have a voice memo idea on your phone, or a demo in your DAW, I’m your guy.
formal EDM music producer, german rap artist, DJ, mastering, mixing & recording engineer from Berlin, Germany available to work
Stay learning from real artists and stay loyal to the art I want to develop
Recent Successes
"It was a connection made in heaven. Sean Spence made my track shine. Loved working with him."
"There is one thing that cannot be bought nor sold and that is " Experience", which Sefi possesses an immense amount of and it is manifested in his work and product! Yet again, Sefi "delivers the goods" and on sched..."
"Martin has been amazing to work with. He is extremely talented and probably the best person to give life to your music. "
"Peredur's guitar arrangements are sensational. He has quickly become my secret weapon by adding a whole new dimension to my work. His turn around is quick but he doesn't sacrifice on tightness or creativity. We starte..."
"This was the second project I have worked on with Claud, as his enthusiasm for my music made me think he could help me develop a song I was a little bit stuck on. Claud very kindly played quite a few variations for me..."
"Very easy to work with. Great collaborator and especially good to bounce ideas off. Plays great drums and has all the people to fill in gaps such as bass/guitar etc."
"Giampaolo keeps his word & sticks with the project "
"Took the song to another level. Turn around time lightning . Couldn't have asked for me. 10 out of 10 !"