Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Connexe
Spacious, wide and label-ready professional mixing and mastering.
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Composer, Musician, Producer & Label Owner
Tired of Pro-Tools? I write, produce & mix songs in Logic Pro X.
Staving artist working hard to make a name put out there. Results are showing! I produce best and mix to my ears ' perfection. Put your faith in a young ambition artist and watch it work. Google me:lilcbdg
Hello i m Daniel
Bassist | Singer | Producer.
Session bassist and multi instrumentalist with 25 years experience. Live TV experience on BBC1, sessions for BBC Radio and various singer songwriters. International experience in Europe and Asia, performances at O2 Wireless Festival London and other UK festivals. Qualified musician and sight reader with a professional home recording setup.
Performed on national TV and wrote for charted artists, I specialise in transforming any story or situation into a relatable song. As the main songwriter for "Mirage" and for the song "Just The Way I Am" (25k streams) raising awareness for a national MS Society, I bring top-tier experience to every project.
Recent Successes
"The best!"
"This is the second project I've worked on with Jenny, and I'd love for there to be a third. She delivers vocals that are not just emotional, but also perfect in terms of pitch, tone, and timing. Makes producing her ..."
"Awesome guy with a huge talent!! This is what we call "being professional". Five stars cause we can just give him five stars...! Top level!"
"A musical genius!!! My bro merged genres with ease! Chris has always delivered neat music and continues to do so. I’m stoked for our next collab!!"
"I really enjoyed working with Charlie on my song. It was very easy for me to get my ideas across and he had great ideas for the song as well. I will definitely work with him again for my next one."
"It's often not easy to find the right master engineer for your song, but I did it. I was super happy with the result of the master. Bram did an amazing job! I got a musically and technically perfect master. Looking fo..."
"i love working with layla. she's amazing. "
"Our go-to guy!! He will not disappoint. Choose him for your mastering!!"
"The Truth Tyree Thomas. Easy Professinal! what can I say!!!!"