Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with opera paris
Bespoke multi instrumentalist / composer available. Whether it is in the Paris Opera performing a soundtrack by Hofesh Shechter, or composing and recording original pieces for English National Ballet. Recording and/or providing specific music in a range of locations including theatres, cinemas, castles, forests, or street events all over the world.
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Hi, I'm Matt! I'm an audio engineer and multi instrumentalist. I would love to mix your next project and/or add some guitar parts to your arrangements and compositions :)
✔️ Active music producer and sound designer for 10+ years. ▶️ Specializing in composition, arrangement, editing, mix, mastering, sound-design ✔️ Did music for artists, bands, company brands/ads, including sound-track & sfx for theater ✔️ Music featured in Media/Press releases and Radio worldwide ✔️ Over 50+ live shows as a multi-instrumentalist
Paul Pesco is an American session guitarist, singer-songwriter, film score composer and record producer.
Emmy-nominated composer and mixer with a depth of experience and a fresh pair of ears.
I'm a dreamer and music helps me to be the one I want. I'll do all I can for you to feel the same with your music ! Composing, arranging, mixing, all at real affordable prices.
My name is Clint Simmons and I live in Austin, TX. I've been drumming professionally both live and in the studio for over 15 years. I love to play TO THE SONG and I love to play a COMFY POCKET. LESS IS MORE. Lets make some music together!
Mix Engineer and Session Drummer
Recent Successes
"Really enjoyed working with The Songwriting Team. They invested a lot of time at the start of the process, asking questions and listening, to understand what I was trying to achieve. I'm very happy with the creative..."
"what an amazing artist. So easy to work with and an incredible talent! I can't wait to work with her again"
"Brandon is an amazing singer and will see that what he delivers to you is top notch and ready for success. He turns Cole to diamonds..........He will meet all your needs and is very diligent and easy to work with. "
"I got Paul to master a track of mine, he delivered the master on time and it sounded great. I would not hesitate to use him again."
"Always a pleasure working with Cory! He's done some excellent guitar work for my most recent project. He's got a great ear and takes a super thoughtful approach to every job in order to make sure that you come away wi..."
"Jeff is incredibly talented and reliable. He has played on about 5 or 6 songs of mine. He kills it every time. He is great at different styles too. I have had him give me a 60's kinda Bob Dylan thing to a Motown vibe,..."
"I don't believe it, this guy is pure genius and I'll work with him in future so much fast and accurate, I'm truly happy to share my talent with him."
"Fran is an absolute genius! If you want something done more than perfectly the first time around with no revisions needed, this is definitely the person to go to! "
"David's work on the vocal tracks was perfect. This is the first time working with David and it definitely won't be the last! "