Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nosebora
15+ yrs of vocal training/ experience recording /songwriting. I pride myself in quality vocals, versatility, & attention to detail. If you need a true vocal professional w/ a wide range, & unique, distinctive tone, I'm your girl. I enjoy singing many genres, & am always up for creative challenges and making artistic visions a reality.
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I am a young, determined individual who strive for nothing less than the best
I've worked as a vocalist and songwriter in Europe and America for more than 10 years. Over time I've written top charting songs and done demo work for producers and artists like Lil Jon, Red One, John Legend, Randy Jackson, Smokey Robinson, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, OMI and more.
solo singer songwriter, experience in recording/producing in home studio, co-writer and producer, artist/performer, topliner/lyric writer! Let's create something:)
Stock Audio Production
Skilled and passionate engineer. Worked at top studios in NYC, Barcelona and Mexico City with top producers and artists. I know how music should sound like. I want to bring your vision to life! Lot's of equipment and best monitoring for your projects. Last but not least, great person to work with. Never going to let you down.
Mohammaddullah, known professionally as JIOJIMI is an indian Rapper and lyricist, and former YouTuber. He is known for his 2022 single, 'nach baby, shine, moka do and Ammi jaan .He is also the founder and CEO of his own record label, Ursm Records.
A unique song writer, A AND R, if you are an artist wishing to find that perfect unique lyrics to your songs , reach out! We also work with you to get the best out of your project for free!
Looking to add heavy riffs, final mastering or production - look no further!
Recent Successes
"Exceptional. "
"Really good job with Anna !"
"Such a pro and a great talent! There's always a little uncertainly when working with someone for the first time and we dont use this platform often. Rioux V hit the creative brief out of the park, took feedback perfe..."
"Un formidable musicien: chanteur, arrangeur, orchestrateur ... il joue la guitare avec l'exactitude rythmique du genre: pour Zeze (cette actrice que je découvrai grâce à Carlos Diegues dans Xica da Silva!) . Guilherme..."
"Great studio engineer best value you'll get for an affordable price. Matt's always my go to on that. Great idea's he has about the mix. Quality I can afford. "
"Always a very good sound, clear and spatial"
"Just amazing experience with Tim! Responding quickly, deadlines on time. The most amazing things that he understood exactly what I wanted and everything is organized very well!🤩🙌 Definitely I’ll choose him again!"
"Great mix/master as always! Two more songs down and two more to go on an eleven song album, he got it done it great time! "