Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mitch Rip
I'm a singer/songwriter who graduated from Berklee College of Music, and the lead singer of the pop-punk band Walk on Mars. I sing and write in all styles of music, and I’d love to share some music and work with you, so hmu!!
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JAYNE RECORDS has been a renowned and award-winning music production studio for over 15 years (+6M streams). They make groove everything they touch ! Very versatile in styles they can work on. If you like electro, french house (artists like Madeon, Daft Punk, Justice, Lemaitre, Breakbot, Martin Solveig), you'll find your happiness with them work.
Affect people with your music - and get it's magic ready so the universe can listen.
Award winning, Producer / Mixing and Mastering Engineer
Hi! I'm Luica, a passionate songwriter and producer specializing in pop, reggaeton, afrobeat, and latin music dedicated to creating records that emotionally connect and and stand the test of time.
Are you in need of writing, new song ideas? Do you need a hook, a feature verse, production, or artist connections & collabs? Look no further, im your guy. No biased opinions, no excuses, just lyrics & insight, providing you guidance to bring out the best in you musically. Lets find out who you are & what your about as an artist.
My music gets played on the biggest festivals in the world.
Pitch Goes Here
Compositor De reggeatón, R&B con un flow sublime que eleva su estilo a otro nivel, Creador de "No Digas Que No "facciones, Unica, Destiempo, Tu Decisión.
Recent Successes
"Jason is amazing. So professional, both in his playing and in his communication. His feel is incredible, and his willingness and ability to follow some pretty specific instructions (I'm a bit of a perfectionist) was s..."
"Even though I had insufficient music theory understanding, Francis was willing to work with me and was super attentive to my vision for the song. When I first listened to Francis's arrangement, I was left speechless, ..."
"Easy to work with. Amazing communication and QUALITY work. You won't be disappointed and I cannot wait to work with him again !!"
"Brittany did exceptionally well! She took my ideas and transformed them into reality. She not only provided captivating vocals but also wrote compelling lyrics and skillfully mixed the song. Her diverse range of talen..."
"Eileen composed amazing magic music based on my lyrics and delivered an excellent finished song. She is a true wizard of music in every way, with super talent and style."
"Back like I never left. Been a while since i've gotten a master done and coming back I knew I could count on Elliot to deliver a great master and he did once again. This time for my clients music. I'll be back again "
"This is my first foray on SoundBetter as I needed a drum track and found Igor, listen to his drumming skills and decided to give it a try with my song and I am pleased to say that Igor did a fantastic job with my son..."
"I simply couldn't be happier with Welbert's performance. His delivery is nuanced and measured with all of the tracks I've given him to date. What a talent!"
"Working with SUVI was a great experience. Her voice is amazing, she was very quick to deliver the tracks and her creativity is next level. Very professional and talented. Would work with SUVI again on future projects. "