Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Walk On Mars
I'm a singer/songwriter who graduated from Berklee College of Music, and the lead singer of the pop-punk band Walk on Mars. I sing and write in all styles of music, and I’d love to share some music and work with you, so hmu!!
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Diesel Dungeon Studio is an affordable, creative and relaxed recording environment with a unique vibe, skilled staff, high attention to detail and top notch acoustics.
Mixing and mastering is just a few things that I do. I can comp, edit, produce, sing, or rap on anything that you need. I can work with digital or live instruments. I can also do audio for video and podcasts as well. signal flow is life.
Everything about sound, since over 25 years. LiveSound, Recording, Mixing, Streaming, Broadcast... you name it. A lot of satisfied musicians, customers, broadcast stations. A own Studio combined from fine digital and analog equipment, years of experience and a love for sound.
You don't need to keep wishin' if Genie Mixed It. Here to offer budget friendly Mixing & Mastering services to people all over. I graduated from Full Sail University, and I am pleased to bring my knowledge and skills to your upcoming projects.
Bruce G - Studio Background Vocals, Songwriting, Guitar, and Banjo. Nashville TN
Producer Music | Beatmaker 15 years of experience with music.
I am a skilled and experienced pianist who is eager to collaborate with other musicians to help them reach their full potential.
Recognized singer & songwriter specialized in Reggaeton and Urban Latin sounds. +4M streams across platforms as a songwriter. Let's work together! Reconocido cantante y compositor especializado en Reggaetón y sonidos urbanos. +4M streams en todas las plataformas como compositor. Trabajemos juntos!
Recent Successes
"Matt did a fantastic job, really kept the natural spirit of the vocals intact, while correcting the pitch and timing. A true professional!"
"I had NO idea how good my song could sound until Carl got his hands on it and totally transformed it. The parts he added elevated it in such an amazing way while completely sticking to the original vision and vibe. He..."
"Alessandro is an absolute superstar - great ear, excellent vocals, and a true gentleman. The work we did together really fires the quality of the songs up to a whole other level. Can't wait to do more!"
"Alessia is a great singer and vocals producer. You have a first class finish song with all perfect voices .The next level on catchy or cool songs ! It's awesome to work with her. I I will work again with her very soon..."
"Such a great cooporation, Very easy to work with, Very quality guy, And overall super quality work, This is the guy want for this job, Thank you. "
"Nacho turned in the project early, addressed my concerns in one edit, and returned exactly what I was looking for. Highly recommend. "
"Marcello and his team did such a good job with my last few projects! Of course he does good no matter what you throw at him… you should work with him trust me. You will be glad!!"