Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Insidemic
Experimental sound make great music.
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Keifer Johnson is a session trombonist based in Atlanta, GA. During his years of session work, he has recorded backing horns for punk rock band '68, performed live with Grammy Award winning artist Ne-Yo, and performed for President Barack Obama.
The proverbial triple threat: Grammy-nominated music producer, Multi-instrumentalist, and highly sough-after Mixing Engineer! I worked for many years as music producer and mixing engineer for Empire on Fox, landing a #1 Billboard spot and Grammy Nomination. I've worked with artists of all genres, taking songs from simple ideas to the charts!
Producer, Mixer, Engineer, Songwriter, and the artist "DSKO". Being an active artist in the current music scape allows me to relate to the artist perspective when it comes to production/mixing/songwriting. I really enjoy producing and mixing across all genres and actively aiming to create something new, different, and palatable.
Former lead vocalist for the band "Forty Foot Echo". Through the years I have worked with the top producers and mixers and learned many skills. I now run a studio ( Echoman Records) and produce and mix for artists all over the globe. I run protools HD and have all the latest plugins. I work on enhancing the artists song not changing it.
Producer, mixing and mastering engineer with releases on major labels that have garnered millions of streams.
Music Producer, Multi-Instrumentalist, Beatmaker, and Mixer “I’m a passionate about sound in any of its manifestations. I don´t believe in purity but in mixtures and for me sound is shape, colour and texture“
Many years of experience in the EDM scene, will deliver clear, loud, industry level masters.
Recent Successes
"Best drummer I've worked with, a pro, an absolute killer player and a lovely guy. "
"This was third time working with Hugo and once again I threw quite a challenging genre at him (speed metal. After only one day he got the song nailed perfectly, with raw energy, precision and thunderous emotion!"
"First time working with Anthony and a 'strike home'. It was a demanding mix and Anthony perfectly set the priorities of lots of sounds and made an excellent job!"
"Amazing singer! Robert interpreted my vision for the song the way I hoped he would and beyond exceeding expectations on every level. Can’t recommend him highly enough and already looking forward to the next one! "
"outstanding !"
"Very professional!"
"It was such a pleasure of working again with Kimera! She really injected her passion, professionalism and hard work into the project (a dance pop track). I was blown away by both the quality of the outcome and the wor..."
"Working with Jim was amazing! His experience and expertise really shows. He elevated my track beyond my expectations. I highly recommend him for his professionalism and outstanding quality of work."
"Absolutely love Josh! He's just a great guy and always gets the job done quickly and gives you back such incredible mixes! I always know that any songs I send to him are going to come back sounding perfect and exactly..."
"after a long frustrating search for the right vocalist with the right emotion for our track, Otto appears with his take and fucking nailed it! great communication, great listener, and most importantly- Quick! defi..."