Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gigantic Hawk
Sliptrick Records, Dead Love, Gigantic Hawk.
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Hi ! My name is Deadwalk. I am a music producer aligned to EDM. I have been making music since 4 years now.
Audio Engineer at KnockOutput.com - I help self-producing bands and artists get an impactful, warm, punchy sound. You wrote great songs, I'll make them hit hard!
I released several tracks on good labels like WEPLAY, Spinnin, Metanoia, Diverge etc. Co-produced some hip-hop songs, as well as pop songs. Trying to make it with creative mind and, at the same time, in traditions of genre.
Versatile. My service is at your disposal to help you reach your sonic aims. My goal is to serve the song and use my abilities to transform the song into a piece of art.
I am a professional violinist/violist that can provide quality tracks for any type of song. I'm able to create any type of music the writer needs with or without guidance. Can offer very reasonable rates.
The goal is to get your project as close as possible of your vision.
Rolling Stone featured Singer-songwriter. Can literally see the colours of music (not kidding) I believe in singing and writing songs from what I feel and observe around my everyday surroundings.
Recent Successes
"I'm a seasoned musician and have recorded with many different producers. I can honestly say working with Eric was one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had. Not only he completely understood my vision - he m..."
"I contacted Austin about mixing one song on Saturday. He responded within five minutes. By Monday afternoon, the first was done. One revision was required, within an hour and a half, that was also done. This..."
"Great talent, really good communication, professional sound quality, fast delivery...Amazing! Thank's once again Skam!"
"Flo's fantastic to work with! So happy I went with her not only for vocal talent, but also because of her professionalism. I would highly recommend her for tracks in need of a light feminine vocal. I asked her to ta..."
"Talented! Also easy to work with. I had some changes I wanted to make during the communication, and he was happy to do it :) "
" If you need lyrics and vocals that stand out, she is the girl to turn to. Im stoked... Thank you Krysta! Will talk to you soon🙂"
"Love to work with Gus, his dedication to my project is amazing and the results can be noticed in the ATMOS masters that he is creating for me. Super thankful and 100% Recommendable. "