Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Estéreo Waves
For me, it's essential to maintain the high quality of sound that already exists in the audio and music industry, whilst also keeping the emotional values of music, which is what connects a project to its audience.
I will design the right sound and feel for each song, making it loud, clear and iconic. Im a profesional audio engineer with 7+ Years of experience and worked on 500+ tracks. Now i´m focused on my passion: Mastering! I love taking tracks to their ultimate expression and getting involved on projects.
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Looking for a live sound engineer? Then look no further!
Producer/Bass Player/Arranger
Jerry Meehan, Wendyhouse Productions Ltd.London UKfavorite_borderfavoriteA top tier Producer, Arranger and Bass player, working with, among others, Robbie Williams, Bryan Ferry, Stevie Wonder, Midge Ure, Beth Orton, Trevor Horn, Misha Paris. Owner of Wendyhouse Studios in London and working remotely from Studio in Kent.
Let The Work Do The Talking.
We are the Development Team of ThemeLuxury. We have over 6 years of experience in designing, developing and customizing WordPress.
Erikoisosaamista ovat ohjelmointi, tuottaminen, säveltäminen sekä co-writing. Kysy lisää jos kaipaat vaikka rytmiraitoja tai jonkun biitin.
I passionately dedicate myself to each project, big or small, saying "let's make it happen".
I make world-class quality mixes and masters at an affordable price.
Transform your music with expert production and sound design! I’m Diego San Marcos, a music producer and musicologist with 4+ years of experience in delivering high-quality tracks. Let's elevate your project to the next level.
Recent Successes
"It was pleasure working with him. He is simply Brilliant and has excellent grasping ability and adaptability to new genres. At the same time he is a down to earth person. Would love work with him again..."
"Working with Daramola was an outstanding experience !! He was incredible creative and equally responsive. I could not be happier with what he did. He simply made this song happen - vocals and production !! "
"Great collaboration again. Wide variety of instruments, great in musical feel, adding rhythm sections and nice details as well. "
"Fast, and effective vocal tuning! He knows what he's doing!"
"Ottimo lavoro di Filippo. Può suonare più strumenti per i tuoi lavori con un tocco molto personale. Perfetto nei tempi e nel capire le esigenze. Consigliatissimo"
"Beautiful mix!"
"Jon is an incredible talent! His vocals and guitar are absolutely killer. He turned my lyrics into a full blown song. Communication throughout was totally on point. Looking forward to working with Jon again! Thanks man!"
"Super quick respond time and gets the tracks done fast. Also he knows what to do with the drums on your track!"
"Second time working with Chris, just like last time he knocked it out of the park, amazed at how good he can get our vocals to sound, and still maintaining a natural tone. Would reccomend! "
"Always 5 stars for Tamim. He really has patience and a very good sense of music! Will definitely reach out again! "