Dolby Atmos & Immersive Audio in Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Music Mixing for Film, Television, & Games. — Scoring Mixer: Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim, Ultraman Rising, Soul of the Ultimate Nation, Super Giant Robot Brothers, Kimana Tuskers, Human Traces, 2009 Lost Memories, Puppet Killer — Supervising Music Editor: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King & The Hobbit Trilogy
Grammy nominated Producer / mixer and Artist development company with over 30 years experience in the music business.
Multi Platinum Dolby Certified Mixing and Mastering Engineer 20 Years Experience. Recent Clients: Luché, Fabri Fibra, Geolier, Baby Gang, Lele Blade, Lazza, Paky, Shiva, Slf, Vale Lambo, MV Killa, Yung Snapp, Tony Effe, Ghemon, Ernia, Edoardo Bennato, Fred de Palma, Rose Villain and some more... Thanks for being here!
The only Certified Dolby Atmos Home Entertainment studio in Dubai. Home of the Firdaus Orchestra - the first all-female, Arabic ensemble. World class recording studios with the best gear and microphones, a scoring stage, live performance venue and private, cinema quality screening space.
Passion for technology with sensibility to art is my way of living. The work we'll do together will speak through organic and sincere ideas.
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Jazz double bass player with African and middle east sound
Contributed to Björk's Grammy-nominated album Biophilia
Professional Songwriter, Artist & Teacher :) I am based in Los Angeles. Specializing in pop, indie, R&B, EDM and musical theatre + teaching songwriting. I've worked with artists based in London, Germany and the US. I help artists find their voice, tell their stories, create their vision, and get their music ready for release.
Do you find walking yourself in the middle of the night or with a stiff muscle or ache in your neck or back. Then you should consider replacing your pillow mattress with the new ones that can help you to get better sleep.
I make indie jams and things that make you feel nostalgic.
I can write lyrics and record vocals and guitars for your project.
With an innate gift for music since youth, I've evolved into a generational talent, poised to redefine the industry. My journey from prodigy to seasoned creator showcases a deep understanding of musics power. I aim to leave an indelible mark by crafting innovative sounds that resonate across generations, affirming my rightful place in music history
Recent Successes
"Quick and professional work. I enjoyed working with Austin and would recommend him for people looking for mixing and mastering services."
"Excellent working with Ronan, I can't recommend him highly enough as a session guitarist/producer. He really knows what he is doing and has been key in getting the best out of my song."
"I used his Mix Review service to get feedback on one of my own mixes and it was really helpful. I got a good page or more of actionable suggestions and honest but encouraging critique. I'll definitely use this service..."
"This is the first time I've ever used a producer and with all the talent and profiles on here, I'm so glad I came across Killian's page. He won me over with his "ad" and sample reel and when I reached out to him he to..."
"She’s talented vocal and so good to communicate. I'm glad for chance to work with her! If you're looking for female vocal, just contact her!!"
"Very talented cello player/arranger and a great person to work with. Absolute pro level. Highly recommended! "
"Once again Jakey has done it! Great singer, great performance and the commitment to each track is game! Highly recommend! Top singer! "
"Great lyrics. Nice harmonies. Amazing energy. Love the end product. "
"Amazing work!"