Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with djbobo
Professional vocalist specializing in Pop, R&B, and Soul. I can demo your song, write a great track, and bring your ideas to life! Featured on a song in Creed 3, and worked with artists like DJ Bobo, Adel Tawil, and Femi Temowo. Released tracks on labels like Dreamville, Majestic Casual, and Tru Thoughts. Let’s create something amazing! :)
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Multi-genre producer, Mixing and Mastering engineer
I want to turn your ideas into full music production at Radio Ready standard. I have worked with Artists such as David You, Andrea Daly, On the Sun and many more. I want to offer affordable rates for people who don’t have the biggest budget
Professional Mixing & Mastering engineer and winner of the Music Producers Guild's LIPA award.
Maybe you can write, maybe you can’t. Either way that’s why your here. Whether it’s to buy or find something that inspires. We all hit some sort of block that holds us back. I don’t care if you pick me, I’m just the helping hand from which you can feed
Mixing, Production, & Drumming specialized in rock music.
Do You Need A GHOST WRITER. Well I’m your man. I will write any genre of song for you or Even WORK WITH You on writing a song
I'm Ready when you are to get started on this Masterpiece! Message me to Start!
Experience and versatility! 2-time Latin Grammy nominee, 1x nominee for 'Premios Lo Nuestro' by Univision.
Recent Successes
"Zach helped me with the instruments,production in my already written pop song and he totally nailed it. He listened to everything what I wanted and turned my song into an amazing pop song. I'm really satisfied with ..."
"Great person and easy to communicate"
"A great singer with an expressive and unique voice!"
"Jonathan did a beautiful job playing duduk and clarinet on my song. He has a bold and distinctive voice on his instruments and incredible tone and control. He was flexible, creative and Very generous with the parts he..."
"Alex is a top end producer. From the ability to comprehend your vision, to hospitality and being patient and understanding. If i had to choose a word to describe the atmosphere of working with him: gravitational energ..."
"I feel totally safe with Sefi, and he seems to understand and treat my music in an intuitive way, which is exactly what you are looking for as a song-writer or producer. In both projects we have done (moving on to the..."
"I am super happy with the results, with the outstanding quality, communication and professionalism of Brent. Brent is one of the most experienced engineers I've worked with. He went above and beyond with helping me t..."
"John really made the vision of the instrumental come to life! Great melodies, lyrics and very easy to work with! 10/10"
"Asked Marcello to take my midi classic rock riff I made and make it shine. He rocked my fucking face off. If you want someone who cares about your music, combines skill with intuitively lead rhythms, top-line ..."