Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with crust
Heavy stuff mixing. If you want to sludge it fatter and get stoned higher)
5 years of mixing experience in indie, bedroom pop, edm and funk. 3 years of university mixing education. 2 video games sound tracks, and 1 live multi-state tour. 0 complaints :)
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LIQUID AETHER Audio... ...putting life back into Extreme Metal!!!
Mixing and mastering for you ! Also creating beats, songs, scores, editing,
With experience working with artists like Scott Silletta (Tooth and Nail), The Envy Corp, Kind Red Spirits, Devon Cadwell, and NPR. I work tirelessly to make sure you are excited with your music at the end of the day.
Recording studio session guitarist and songwriter. https://www.instagram.com/daveorrband/
Easily and quickly have your song sounding perfect! If you have had trouble in the past with mixing engineers either being too costly, or taking too much time with the job; or if you just can't seem to figure out how to do it yourself, then I might be the right choice for you!
I'm a Producer, Recording and Mixing Engineer based in Brazil working with anything Rock, but heavily influenced and specialized in extreme music. Are you having difficult finding a person who understands your references in Punk, Crust, Grindcore, Technical Death Metal or anything in between? Just talk to me!
Greg Bullock is a musician, a songwriter, a music producer and a mixer working in rock, alternative, post-punk, and dark-wave genre's for 20+ years.
In an era characterized by immediacy, I refuse to see faster as better and time as money. To leverage every project’s uniqueness and serve you with proper hospitality; I need time to develop a unique point of view, collaborate with others, define a creative script, execute, and fine-tune with craftsmanship. With this ethos, Soundflesh was born.
Recent Successes
"Steve is a very talented producer, mixer. He gave my song a great sound. Picked out some very great musicians for the live recordings of the instruments. He is also a very kind man and wants to do a lot to satisfy you..."
"Tony did an excellent job of creating very unique harmonies. It gave the song a more dynamic feel. Great job."
"Another great track finished with Nyk! He’s an unbelievable talent who we’ll be coming back to again and again. His soulful voice is filled with emotion and authenticity. He’s creative and has great instincts—ones tha..."
"Gal's profile blurb doesn't say much except that he is a session drummer in NYC. Well I have to add that he is an exceptional session drummer from NYC. I have used online drummers for the past 2 years and he is the be..."
"Incredible mastering job by Maria, and overall awesome experience from start to finish. She's a real pro, very fast, and excellent to work with. Can't say enough good things about Maria and her mastering!"
"Excellent work from Vincent! He has great skills and shows a huge interest in the project and how to get the absolute best out of it. And he did! Highly recommended! Will work with Vince again."
"I had the pleasure of working with María on a song, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. She is incredibly talented and brought the creative twist that my song was waiting for. Her insights and ideas were spot ..."