Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Seasonal Regression
Unlike some, my mixes aren't a formula; I mix music to evoke the emotional response that you felt when you wrote it. Let's get to work on bringing your vision to life.
5 years of mixing experience in indie, bedroom pop, edm and funk. 3 years of university mixing education. 2 video games sound tracks, and 1 live multi-state tour. 0 complaints :)
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Professional Recording & Mixing Engineer in South Florida.
Dark, low, and intimate vocals are my specialty. I've gathered over 6 Million streams on Spotify and I've been writing songs for more than 15 years. My voice has been compared to Lana del Rey, Annie Lennox, and Dua Lipa and it goes perfectly with Alt-Pop, Dark-Pop, and dark Electro-Pop songs.
If you need your tracks to sound not only professional but superb in every sense hmu! Forreal I made this profile to work with artists looking for a serious producer/engineer. I've been doing this for a decade and am self taught. I got pretty much the top software for you to not only separate yourself from anyone else but also back up your talent.
A Film and TV composer who has worked with companies like Monster Energy and Adobe. Specializing in ambient cinematic vibes that bring real emotion to any project.
I've been working for 20 years as pro-musician, my specialization is reading into clients' mind, and being good to understand what they' re looking for, and how they imagine their own tune sounds like...
I've been a producer / composer for 10+ years, creating custom music for TV/Radio, Artist Projects, etc. Starting with the Suzuki method at age 5, I'm equipped with the tools and ear to help create something truly unique. Looking for a traditional musician? I'm probably not your guy. I'm the guy you call when you need something truly one-of-a-kind.
Multi-genre music producer, singer, multi-instrumentalist and composer.
Do you need a singer? Whether at a party or for your movie or series or even a singer with a child's voice ? Or do you need an arabic voice over"adult and child" or arabic lyrics ? I am here for you. I have a small studio at home and I can provide you this service.
Recent Successes
"Hugo is so great to work with... very timely and does a killer job."
"Emilio always spend alot of time on my song, making sure they sounded fantastic. Emilio is so passionate, his arrangements are modern and his guitar embellished the emotion in my song, making it sounds fresh and radio..."
"This is second time working with Matty. Even better than the first! Amazing to say the least… Matty elevated my music, is very easy to communicate with. Just “gets it”. Probably said that in my first review. Extremely..."
"Bailey is an amazing talent. Fast response times, great communication, and extremely professional. I required no edits on anything she sent over, that's how good she is. Highly recommend!"
"William was wonderful to work with - friendly, professional and timely and brought great artistry to the work, very lovely. "
"Incredible mastering on my track. James truly brought richness, dynamics, and feeling into the overall sound. Totally blown away by the final edit. So happy. I will be using James for all mastering + mixing needs. "
"Liz is a fantastic collaborator, who can start a track from scratch and create wonderful cello lines of very high quality that that match your job brief exactly how you wanted it. I can't recommend her highly enough. "
"Jimmy just delivered another stunningly beautiful vocal on another original song I wrote! Jimmy is a huge talent! And a very fast turnaround as well."