Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chris Andres
Up and coming Rock and Country music producer/mixer with over 15 years of experience.
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In 2000, began to study audio engineering. My father and his connections taught me analog; digitally, I've taught myself anything else through articles and documents published through EMI/Abbey Road, Berkeley, Alan Parsons, BBC and more. In 2013, completed Alan Parsons' Level 3 Masterclass at the Studio @ the Palms, Las Vegas, NV.
Michael is a top producer/mixer/remixer in the modern reggae world, having produced important albums such as Dub Side of the Moon, Radiodread, Easy Star's Lonely Hearts Dub Band, and Easy Star's Thrillah. He has also done remixes for diverse artists such as Jason Mraz, Janelle Monae, Kelly Clarkson,Yoko Ono, Rebelution, and Umphrey's McGee.
TOP 100 Dance Charts 🎶 collaborates with Paramount Recording Studios 🎥 . Hey, I’m Anna 👋 split-time working between Hamburg ✈️ Los Angeles 🇺🇸
Naor Hazan, House engineer at M.A.R.S Studios. Mixer & Session guitarist
With an expressive talent for both popular and classical music, pianist and composer Daniel Grajew was born in São Paulo, Brazil. He graduated in classical piano at University of São Paulo (USP), and plays with resourcefulness the classical repertoire as well as choro, bossa-nova, tango and jazz genres. Plays piano and accordion.
Professional and customer-focused mixing and mastering services, that are all about you, the client!
I am a percussionist with tons of experience adding tasteful parts to tracks in many styles. I've worked with Yessian Music, Assemble Sound, Epitome Studios and have done lots of remote recording for smaller projects. My instruments include; marimba, vibraphone, steel drum, congas, djembe, tabla, dumbek, orchestral percussion, shakers, kit, etc.
Pro mixer, producer, engineer with Grammy-nominated projects, millions of sales/streams, and mainstream radio airplay looking to work with you on your project! Smashing Pumpkins, Everclear, Five for Fighting, David Bowie, Mariah Carey, Pat Metheny, and many more. Open to talk with any artist about mixing their work.
Recent Successes
"Wes is very expert and fast. Great experience. I recommend him. "
"I'll definitely be a repeat customer of Art's. His mixes and masters are fantastic. He's extremely accommodating and professional, has a quick turnaround, is responsive, and on top of that has a very pleasant personal..."
"Simon is a joy to work with. This is our 4th project together, always been super happy with his work. Communicates really clearly, and delivers great quality production. Highly recommend Simon for your next song!"
"Alex is the Man with an Editing Plan! I highly recommend him "
"She is Professional !!! We understood each other at once ) She made Piano Lead and Piano Arp. Fast and seriously! I'm recommending Lydia!"
"Prompt response, great edits "
"Very good job !"
"Mark was fantastic to work with! The results of his mastering were excellent (sounded radio-ready upon his first delivery), he was very quick with the turnaround, and had prompt, clear communication throughout the pro..."
"Charles has delivered another amazing, dynamic, warm and clean mix. This song was not easy. I gave him over 50 tracks and he did a great job editing the song. He has a great ear and instinct. He also listens and com..."
"I had the pleasure of working with Kyle on tracking trumpet parts for an original Dance-Pop song in the style of artists like - Michael Jackson and Bruno Mars. Not only Kyle's professionalism as a musician, but his a..."