Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Under the mountain
Up and coming Rock and Country music producer/mixer with over 15 years of experience.
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Internationally acclaimed mixing and mastering engineer with over 300 rave reviews on jazz albums I have mixed and mastered (Including 3 Downbeat Magazine awarded "Masterpiece Albums" and a Jazzwise "Best Release" of the year). I can take your album to the next level. Want your album to have that "world-class sound"? I can help.
Live- and Studiodrummer, Founder jazzdrummerworld.com, Teacher @ Keep the Beat Drumschool Switzerland.I work with national and international Artists. Daily Grooves: www.instagram.com/davejazz
I have , over the past year, been the co-producer/sound engineer to RAN Records Ltd / Universal Music Group. Also Producer and Mixing Engineer of John Tirelli's album 'The End' i am Producer and co-founder of the duo "Shark and Groove".
Connor H. Carroll is an established stereo and Dolby Atmos mastering engineer catering to both indie and label artists. Connor is determine to bring the most out of your project by highlighting confidence and feeling.
Young Songwriter/Producer located in Jönköping, Sweden. I write pop music and producing almost everything. I'd love to work with you and create new connections. Just send me a messages and I'll get back to you.
I'm an artist, producer and music composer. I have worked with big studios like Jeddah legends and real talk music in small projects. I had the chance to be sponsored by G Shock for one of my events along side Xdrop a band from jeddah that I produced music from and live engineered their events
I'm an 18 year rap artist out of LA, I've been writing music since before I left elementary and my passion has only grown. I have music out on all platforms and you can find me by the name of Jaggar.
Recent Successes
"Perfect mastering! It was a pleasure for me to work with Tom. He's talented."
"Dan the man. This very friendly gentleman did a great job at accurately transcribing the vibes and electricity of the epic Funky Theme. 5*"
"What can I say? I went into this project with very low expectations until I discovered this totally amazing super rock singer Scott Harris! His voice quality, recording quality, knowledge of style and openness to crea..."
"Very easy to get started with. Great communicator. Great finished product. Fast turn around time. Great experience."
"Andrew was honest and helped me understand what I needed with ease. I appreciate his work on my project and look forward to next time."
"Ghian is a master mixer and so easy to work with! All feedback is taken onboard and the results better than I initially envisioned. I would highly recommend you working with him!!!"
"Brent continues to deliver exceptional work and other engineers I have worked with simply do not offer the same quality that only Brent can provide. He will be my focal engineer because he delivers exactly the qualit..."
"Excellent communication! Would be happy work with again!"
"I'm absolutely delighted to share my thoughts on the exceptional vocal work Jaki Nelson has provided for my track. It's not an overstatement to say that her talent and professionalism have left an indelible impression..."