Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bibiana Kim
I'm team zero, a producer composed in Korea. instagram : https://www.instagram.com/muport_team_zero/
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Orchestral music, 100% original and amazing. I am an experienced music producer and sound engineer, dedicated to accomplish realistic orchestral songs suitable for videogames, movies, etc.
I'll glue the rhythm and harmony of your song or project together with a killing bass track.
Keyboardist, Composer, Arranger, Conductor (modern - music, traditional and classical music). Tastierista, Compositore, Arrangiatore, Direttore d’orchestra (moderno - musica, tradizionale e musica classica). Le claviériste, compositeur, arrangeur, chef d'orchestre (moderne - la musique traditionnelle et musique classique).
Passionate and versatile music producer, musician, composer and mix & master engineer. Depth knowledge of various music styles and how to program them in various digital audio workstations. I have composed for Warner Chappel artist, UMG, LEVI'S Strauss, independent artists, enterprises, ... and mixed and mastered songs professionally since 2015.
Professional Mixing and Mastering engineer, with 7+ years of sound production experience and a strong, natural ear for the sweet sounds you hear on the radio, I can leave you with an A Grade sound and experience for your next project.
Classically trained singer. Graduate of a music academy. Academic voice teacher. Known for bands STRIDULUM, Burial Fields and number of guest collaborations with artists such as French producer Distance H, Peer Lebrecht's (Golden Apes) solo project Voyna or death metal band Throneum. Currently working on solo music.
I am a professional singer since I was 18, I have had the honor of working alongside great artists, as a backup singer, coach, guest artist and vocal arranger. I also studied music production, specializing in vocal production. I stand out in voice recording, voice tuning and vocal compilation.
i am a young aspiring engineer from london who has worked with many underground rappers/singers and would love to work with you! i can mix and master for a very good price and get it sent back to you on a 2 day deadline.
Recent Successes
"Andres is highly recommended engineer. He's professional, on time, flexible and kind. easy to work with and he felt the track before he worked on my track. He can also give you tips, or some information about mix tech..."
"Excelente trabajo, abierta y versátil a diferentes propuestas musicales. excelente comunicación y calidad de servicio."
"Austin is the best! Always will keep working till the song sounds just how you want it to!"
"It is always a pleasure to work with Ziv. He provides outstanding service and will make sure you get exactly what you need! Highly recommended without a doubt"
"Sehr nette Zusammenarbeit, vielen lieben Dank für alles und deine tollen Tipps!"
"Dan absolutely gave my track the extra bits it needed to get it from good to really, really good and so very cool! I'm super thrilled and I highly recommed Dan. Great communication and easy to work with. "
"Fast worker, extremely professional sound, and an absolute pleasure to work with!"
"A very pleasant and highly professional collaboration with Patricio! The song was very complex with central African rhythms and melodies from Congo. Patricio played tenor sax and coordinated the recording of trumpe..."