K-Pop Bassoon

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Producing/mixing/mastering!  - Hayden Thomson

Electronic producer and mix/master engineer for 15 years, specialising in left-field electronica/hiphop, digital dub, synthetic funk and other weirdness. Experience in mixing/mastering many genres.

Mixing and Mastering Engineer - Geoff Ong

Hey there! My name is Geoff Ong, and I'm here to help you make your track sound the way you hear it in your head!

Online Mixing & Mastering - JW Audio Productions

At JW Audio Productions every project is considered personal and the promise is to deliver a premium quality finished product. Dedicated to ensuring every client is 100% happy not only with the final product, but with the communication and decisions throughout the project.

Remote mixing & mastering - Enlil Audio Engineering

Every song can simply be mixed properly but its all about finding the RIGHT mix that appeals to the ear.

Mixing & Mastering Engineer - Chandler

I have been making music, mixing, and mastering for over 10 years. I have been told I have an ear for excellence also. I was trained in many different genres from Rap, Country, Indie Pop, Gospel, and some metal. I'm always eager to get the track the way you hear it!

Rock & Metal Guitarist - Rob Wolf

Professional guitarist specialised in all styles of Rock and Metal. I have professional gear to record guitars, rhythm and lead, arrangements etc. and send you full edited final tracks to be added in your mix.

Hip Hop mixing engineer - Marko Payne

Affordable mix to help you to the top

Violinist  - Sheena g.

International Classical and electric Violinist (Performing, Arranging and Composing)

Recent Successes

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