Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with ziggee boy
We have worked on different styles of music. And our goal is to make sure you get quality sounding record.
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Music production & Audio services for CD Post & online
Accordionist Composer Recording artist Instrumental producer/Performer Logo/Ilustration Architect (m.sc.)
Hi, I'm Chris Hierro a songwriter, producer, singer and keyboardist based out of New York. I work in all genres (except polka I think).
I'm a lyricist with 6+ years of experience, my preferred genres are hip-hop/rap, RnB and Pop. I can make a song about anything from scratch.
Hi. I am Subway The Genius, a young skillful and talented Disc jockey, Rapper, Song writer and producer, Dancer, professional freelancer and a business brand marketer with great vision of success in all projects.
I am a recording and mixing engineer that works mostly with rock, indie and metal music and have recently opened my own studio in Berlin.
Ghost & Co-Producer with over a decade of experience. Supported by industry icons, I specialize in transforming your musical ideas into release-ready tracks across genres from Afro House to Melodic House & Techno. Let’s elevate your music together.
Production trio from London UK
Recent Successes
"Jordy is a pro and a creative writer/singer, he delivered an uplifting session. very happy, I can surely recommend to every producer. thanks"
"Came onto soundbetter and didn't really know what to expect, posted a job and got tons of offers, but Dáramólá seperated himself being very personable. The entire time, I needed revisions, and they were quick and cons..."
"My mix sounded OK. Nate mastered the track to a very high level! Great job!"
"DEANNA was wonderful to work with! Her vocals sounded really good and she was able to write and sing vocals that were perfectly suited to my track and the vibe i was going for! Would definitely be working with her ..."
"Wes is a very knowledgeable and accommodating engineer. He provided a master that elevated the track and took it to the next level in terms of fullness, clarity, and punchiness. I have never worked with an engineer th..."
"Awesome every time! Creative, collaborative, inspired and has excellent understanding and control of his instrument (his voice!) I'll keep coming back."
"CaiNo is the equivalent of a music producer's dream; He is 100% focused, rises to the challenge, totally understands what's needed and delivers outstanding vocals, each and every time! Always a true pleasure to work w..."