Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Atonement
Engeneer, Musician and Artist
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Songwriter Music Producer Sound Design 10+ Years of writing and producing electronic music for artists and DJ's across Australia.
With a decade of expertise in audio engineering, I bring a seasoned touch to your music, meticulously crafting a polished and professional sound that elevates your tracks to their fullest potential.
An experienced mixing, mastering and recording professional of the industry, trying to work remotely under the circumstances.
Slot Deposit Dana Murah Tanpa Potongan 24 Jam
Gold-plaque selling producer
Engeneer, Musician and Artist
Multi-genre session drummer and audio engineer with home recording studio
Recent Successes
"Tony did a wonderful job and I would recommend him for any job that needs to be done. He is very professional and prompt. I am extremely thankful that I found Tony to complete a song that I wrote for my wife. Thank..."
"Just what I needed to elevate the track to the next level. "
"He is very kind person and talented Singer! I will definitely work with him again."
"Cassandra Sotos is an amazing professional artist. She is very versatile on her violin, and delivers great tracks. You will be so pleased, I am! Very easy to work with and I will for sure call on her again when needed!"
"I pinch myself all the time thinking, how is it that I get to work with such a top-tier talent like Rory? Get him while you can. The guy is unreal across the board!"
"Working with Andres was great as always, I'm a regular customer/client by now. And I will for sure continue to master my songs with him. He does a great job every time."
"Trey Vittetoe's exceptional skills as a producer and mix engineer are truly remarkable. His work is a testament to his dedication and mastery of the craft, resulting in outstanding music productions that are second to..."
"Really great playing, tones and a super fast turn around time!"
"Fast, efficient, talented. Leo was a pleasure to work with. Will definitely collaborate again. He creates beautiful chords and melodies."