Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gabriele A Bavera
Engeneer, Musician and Artist
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I am a profesional sound designer with a complete mayor in audio engineer and music production.
Trap & Hip-Hop Sound Specialist: explosive & creative mixing with beyond amazing results.
Mix and Mastering with analog equipment in a super professionally design room. Senior Enginner & professor at Berklee College of Music studios in Valencia. 20 years of experience
I work with many artists of many different genres, helping to write and produce their visions - as well as serving as a mixing engineer. As a producer and engineer, I've worked with Forest Blakk, Backstreet Boys, Third Eye Blind, Sleeping Wolf, Kailee Morgue, Shy Girls, Bay Ledges, and many more.
Clients include - Wheatus, The Brian Jonestown Massacre, Mike Doughty, Space, The Hushtones.
Hi, I have been singing, playing and producing music for over 50 years. I have my own home studio and with my years of production experience, I can help take your project to the highest level possible.
Industry level mixing and mastering with digital AND analog equipment!? I've got you covered! I've helped many artist surpass 100k streams like Bryson Cole, Kwota B., and Jaye Hill to name a few. Exceptional customer service is high priority to ensure your vision is fulfilled. Let me help you get that Billboard hit!
Jay Willow is an emerging Toronto-based artist with an eclectic musical style spanning Folk, R&B, Alternative, and Pop. His lyrics incorporate themes of consciousness and love with a rich low tone often flavoured with spoken word.
Recent Successes
"Another great session from Scott. Two different rhythm ideas for the whole song for me to comp. and delivered in record time. I highly recomend this session player and I will be returning to use Scott again myself. Th..."
"Tyree is the man. We had a hook section that a number of other vocalists just couldn't put down anything catchy. Tyree swooped in and laid down an A++ hook right away. Exactly what we were looking for. His voice, ..."
"Thank you so much!!! This guy is really talented kind and patient!! I have no words. He gave us the perfect mix :)) I will make more songs with him!!"
"Vocally and lyrically, Genius "
"Agustin is my guy for percussion, and he always does a great job for me! Bravo, my Brother!"
"I had a great experience working with Dibs! I came to him with a few snippets of an unfinished pop tune and he helped me build these ideas out into a fully-fledged song with a really great vibe. Very friendly, patient..."
"I am so glad I found isa here ! She has such a talent and I am def hiring her to work full time !!! She is a star ! In such a short time she came up with such a hit ! Wow ! "