Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Analog Dog
I'm a producer-composer and guitarist with over twenty years experience playing and learning from top guitar teachers from around the country. I hold a degree in Music with high distinction from the University of Virginia. I have created and played on genres including pop, funk, rock, R&B, electronic, and film composition.
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I am a Music Producer, Session Keyboardist and Music programmer who has worked in Nashville since 1990. I also specialize in vocal tuning.
I'm a Freelance Composer actively based in New York, with a wide variety of genre of sounds, from film music (Sound tracks) to Pop music, has engaged as composer, arranger, and programmer.
Hi! I'm an audio engineer/music producer working from my own homestudio in Bogotá, Colombia. I'd be more than happy if u want me for develop your projects/ideas during this lockdown.
AFRIMA nominated song
Looking for creative solutions within couple of days for the price of 2 coffee - QIISOUND is here for your demand.
I have worked with experimented Latin American artists such as Beto Cuevas (La Ley - Chile), Adrián Barilari (Rata Blanca - Argentina), Juan Antonio Ferreyra (Riff - Argentina). Right now playing with María Becerra. Working with a personal band since 2013 called ''1915'' with whom we played in the Lollapalooza 2019 in Argentina
Eduardo Cherchi a.k.a Ed Zero is an Argentine multi-instrumentalist songwriter, producer and sound engineer based in Madrid, Spain. He studied classical guitar and composition and Sound Engineering, at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, with the aim of being able to create, understand music, and to help other artists with his music production.
En Euroinnova Formación, contamos con cursos especializados en Astrofísica que te permitirán formarte como tal. ¡A por ello!
Recent Successes
"Kirsten has a great understanding of her art and delivered an excellent performance, following my ideas closely (and improving on them...) She is a great communicator and very professional. Recommended! I will u..."
"Lorien is both quick, and creative. I think she could fit just about any music style anyone would need. She definitely created some great lines where I didn't think was possible. Very fun to work with. "
"Kevin is fantastic to work with! He goes above and beyond for your tracks. I can't wait to tackle the next one with him."
"It was a great pleasure working with Jeff! He is such a professional with high standards. He is very easy to work with and is very cooperative in regards to changes. The end result was fabulous. The mix was on point a..."
"Amazing work as per - can not fault his timeliness and professionalism."
"Another great drum track from Dan. Very professional and highly recommended. The only drummer I've used on SoundBetter as he's been brilliant. Thanks again."
"what a real proffesional! always willing and helpful, really best of the best! you want him on your side!"
"Awesome work by Tyeee!!"
"This is my 4th time working with Alex. He is always great with communication, and he is willing to work with as many changes or revisions as it takes to help me get the exact sound I'm looking for. The final version a..."
"Distant mixing job has some specifics especially if you are both sound engineers, but we caught the same vibe and did the best! Thank you)"
"Ziv is awesome. This is the fifth time we worked together. He is responsive, communicative and he poured his artistry and soul into the music."