Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Zac Treloar
Need a real 'musician' to mix a cheeky song soon or do a jazzy or funky live drum track? You're in luck. Regi Ashman can do both of those things (and maybe more).
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Experience the sound that resonates with millions; let's elevate your music together. If you are looking for an affordable mix at the highest level, I am looking forward to hearing from you. Check out my tracks on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/twDL3
My mission is to make music great again. I'm your engineer for Pop, Folk, Country, Soul. Get in touch, let's make the best out of your music!
Sarah is a brazilian singer/songwriter working full-time in music. Specialize in Pop, Dream Pop, Indie and Rock singer/songwriter, Sarah writes and sings in english and portuguese.
I'll make a pre-mix for free. If you like it (I think you will) - then we work hard
Buenos samples, respeto por el artista y el sonido buscado... creaciones desde 0 dejando que la musica haga todo...
My main focus is atmospheric scoring for Film and TV. I operate on the fringes between chamber music and electroacoustic music. If you are a singer/songwriter recording from home I'd love to help by producing/ mixing your compositions. Also, podcasts. Voice/dialogue editing and mixing was the bane of my existence for 10+ years.
International live and session musician with experience in Europe. Now, Mixing & Mastering Engineer at PMKC Studio for honest and devoted mixes to bring your work to another level.
Recent Successes
"Darrell just banged out an unquestionably, conclusively and categorically outstanding mix! He patiently knitted together a really sweet tapestry of straightforward rock structure, without losing all the weird saturate..."
"Ambrose is so musical he understands exactly what a track needs to shine. He works fast, is the best communicator out of any producer I've worked with. A pleasure to work with"
"To work with Javier is easy and very fast. Totally recommended if you want to level up your songs or your productions."
"After working so many times with Charlie it starts to become difficult for me to say how amazing he is... this is going to sound redundant with previous reviews. LOL. Because The work that we are doing is fantastic. ..."
"Great turnaround times here working with Bob. You are treated as a professional and your work is brought to life. You’ll get the high grade, pro studio treatment on your bedroom mixes. Hire Bob. "
"I threw everything at Hugo and he handled it with ease, professionalism and amazing musicality! I can be very peculiar about drums - Hugo took in all my notes and delivered the performance that fits the song and eleva..."
"Refreshing perfect tracks from the '90's is not easy, but Giampaolo understood that I wanted to keep the integrity of the original tracks and at the same time, update them. As always, thanks for your devotion to anot..."