Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Yubeili
Soy especialista en crear, mezclar y masterizar producciones musicales a la mas alta calidad con entrega efectiva y sin tediosas esperas
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Grammy nominated and platinum award winning engineer and producer Dennis Moody has established himself as one of the industry's foremost talents. Having proven himself to be an outstanding tracking, mixing and live concert engineer, he has worked with hundreds of the world's top charting artists.
I'm a producer, mixer, and session musician based out of Richmond, VA. I have been lucky enough to work with some amazing artists on major and indie labels alike. Please don't hesitate to reach out. I want to collaborate to bring your vision to light.
Female hip hop artist/rapper from Honolulu, HI.
Hey there! My name is Eric and I am a professional music producer and vocalist as well as a Christian worship leader at a local church. I live in Fort Worth, Texas with my wife and 3 young kids. I have worked on projects producing, singing and mixing music for artists in just about every genre. I look forward to making something great with you!
Winner of Best Female Solo artist at the Unsigned Music Awards
For the last 12 years I've been working with many different artists. This experience taught me the essential components which make up a great mix. I strive to apply what I've learned to your track, to make it sound top-notch!
Coz the same people that tried to black ball me forgot about two things my black balls
Newly started producer with fresh and new ideas
Recent Successes
"Tyler did an excellent job on our vocals with tuning! I am very critical in details, but he did it excellent, perfect! Worth every cent..thank you bro for this we're in love with it.."
"We've decided to spice things up and switch things around. Paul is now created a dance beat for me and it's one sexy beast. Just so everyone know, Paul doesn't just produce Orchestra, he does many genres and the resul..."
"Giovanni is the drummer for my whole album and we've worked together for a long time. He's the guy to hire!"
"Some of the coolest vocals I've heard - working with jANiCKA was super easy and she gave the project thoughtful attention. Will certainly work with her in the future"
"Very fast incredible job, luscious vocals & beautiful songwriting! Highly recommend "
"He does amazing work you will not be disappointed with the finished product. I will definitely be going to him in the future."
"This dude it's amazing, he do all the things to satisfy you. Even for one detail. Many version and he is very connected. So you never waiting for him, no stress, easy going. And he don't just only follow your instruct..."
"Fantastic - Chuck was quick to respond and complete project - amazing drummer who perfectly captured the feel of the song. He provided high quality tracks and included detailed information about mic placements and eve..."