Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Yo Gotti - Untrapped
Produced/Mixed cred: 2Chainz • YoGotti • KodakBlack • TyDolla$ign • MeekMill • YoungThug • MikeDean • Masego • TeyanaTaylor • G40 • ReaceSosa • JadaKingdom • Mozzy • EladioCarrion • Lecrae • UFC 4 • KevinGates • G-Eazy • DrakeoTheRuler • etc.
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From top names in adult contemporary to top names in jazz and fusion - I’ve worked with them all. ( Walter Afanasieff, Hadrien Feraud, Vinnie Colaiuta, Ben Monder, Louis Nash, just to name a few ) Guitar, violin, producing, arranging
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Our mission is to bring artists to their fullest potential. We record artists and help develop them across the world through remote music marketing consultations.
Diverse music producer from Toronto, Canada. Lead Producer & Mix Engineer at 10K Records. Professional, punctual service and I look forward to making your records sound amazing. Let's make hit records!
The sound you need to make your music work
Sculpting your voice to fit any track.
Affordable mastering services for upcoming musicians, songwriters and/or producers who want to sound best without breaking the bank. Let's talk!
Are you looking for string parts that are tailored to your song? I take personalized approach to everyone's music. I don't believe in cookie cutter music. I work to give everyone something special that is unique inspired by each person's artistry!
Recent Successes
"Mark has done a wonderful job on all the projects I've had with him. Stop looking - Hire him!!"
"Amazing vocalist to work with, highly recommend. Very high quality and professional!"
"Asha is an awesome vocalist, and she has nailed the performance on each project I have done with her to date! If you are looking for someone with a lot of passion, and skill she is definitely worth considering. Also, ..."
"Once more another project that was completed to the best of its abilities. This is what Hypersia makes me feel, also that he truly cares about his clients and cares about every detail that the client is interested in...."
"It was great working with AMILLI Productions. He is an awesome producer! Thank you! "
"Great as always. This mix and master was even better than the first. I didn't get a demo as early as last time, but when he took his time to get the mix just right and it was worth the wait. I used more variety in..."
"This is my 4th time working with Wes and I'll definitely be back again! He has such a solid ear and I really appreciate how he sent me multiple song versions to choose from without being prompted. He goes above and be..."
"Always helpging me to push my records to the next level. He is the best in the game!"
"Amazing working with J.O.Y! Super talented and easy to work with, looking forward for other project :)"
"Working with Chris has been an enriching experience. A true professional who improved the mix of our single with every review. Quick work and delivery and very predisposed to collaborate to get the best results. ..."