Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Xixsael
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Big Bryan SLCAudio. You might have seen an interview that starts off like that. 8747 productions is the vision of bringing your creative passion to light. Highly experienced, in radio, post-production, recording, mixing, mastering and restoration. SLCAudio has what it takes to develop your sound into your reality.
Fresh and dynamic sound engineer/songwriter looking for work in recording/producing/composition/post-production.
Paxkal Etxepare began in 2003 . Listen to his work in order to assess its quality of his work !!
Welcome! -- A tiny rant about expirience: • 7+ years expirience studying advanced music theory. • Level 6 Piano student, (Hanon prerequisite & critique). • 4 years of digital mixing/mastering expirience as a hobby. • Currently minoring in marketing and business administration, directed towards the music industry.
Ask me
I am a mix and mastering engineer with experience with multiple genres. My goal is to make music that competes with radio ready music. I have a unique approach to mixing and mastering, and I offer the entire package for one price. No need to go to one person for a mix and another for a master ever again.
A Multi-Genre Music Producer, Engineer and Instrumentalist at your service. Mostly work in Hip-Hop but have produced other genres with top notch quality as well.
c major scale
Recent Successes
"Great colaboration with Alisa as top line writer and vocalist. Highly recommended."
"Karen did a great job with a very fast turnover. She was very communicative and professional. Use her for your singing needs!"
"Again, VERY nice and VERY easy to work with, with GREAT patience and AMAZING high quality results! Thanks for another great product!"
"Another masterful woodwind track from Josh! He turned this one around in a few hours and it sounds amazing! Always happy to have the opportunity to work with him. :-)"
"I couldn't be happier with Matt's mix. He listened to my track and immediately had clear vision on how to mix the song and keep it consistent with current mixes in the genre. Matt's turnaround time is unparalleled. He..."
"Ashton killed this tune he sung on, he took my concept and brought it to life. Maybe one of the best songs I've ever made with someone. <3 you dude!"
"Perfect sound. He worked to get his head around the spirit of my song, paid close attention to my input, and picked up on how all the instruments needed to work together. "
"Very talented, open minded. Recommend 2FISTD!"