Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with WV State recital
Female Vocalist with experience seeking jobs where I can fulfil my passion of music.
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I am a very hard working and dedicated engineer with a lot of passion for music,
I will Get your mix to where you need it to be. I will make sure you are happy with the final piece.
my name is Roma Nevelev. I'm from St-Petersburg,RU. I,m playing and recording bass- guitar professionally many years in a many different bands and projects. such as : DDT, Pushking Co, Alena, Raaja band...
Songwriting, Toplining & Singing
Hi! My name is Kena, and I am a professional singer-songwriter based in Miami, Florida with over 5 years of experience performing, writing and recording in the Miami music scene. If you are looking for lyrics, melodies to your songs, original songs written from scratch, or vocals for your next demo, I'd love to help you! :)
🔥 25% off first order 🔥 Fiverr 5⭐ Seeking top-notch music mixing, and production? I'm Alfonzo, a music producer with 6 years' experience. As an audio engineer, I specialize in mixing for artists across genres. I bring out your music's best, offering affordability, efficiency, and professional results. I worked with artist of all over the world.
Multi-Billboard Charting Rapper/Songwriter. Has written for and recorded vocals on Grammy Award winning albums. Featured in HipHop DX, Vice, Alt Press, Rolling Stone, Worldstar, DoubleXL, and more. Viral songs on IG and TikTok. I will help you write or rap on your next jingle, song for TV/Film, and more! Let me know what you're looking for!
Recent Successes
"Big Label Sound ROCKS! So quick and nailed the sound I was looking for. I'll be back."
"Andrews drumming is spot on!! I sent him a rehearsal of our band doing a song and asked him to do something similar, and he sent me two flawless takes that I'm very happy with. His tones are also crisp and clean. Hig..."
"Theo, I only approached you in the middle of November. I wanted you to produce a track for me for a song that I was writing. I am Really impressed at how you have managed to create the track within 2 weeks of me just..."
"just finished song number 5 with Emma I sent Emma, my idea and she helped me take it to the next level, I asked her to write in a certain way to fit the song and my idea and she absolutely smashed it her writing ski..."
"Tropez did some great programming and synths on my song. I am very happy and I would very highly recommend him as a producer! He knows songs and how to make things sounds awesome. "
"I really enjoyed working with John: great communication. He gave advice and more than I was expecting from my first master. I've come away feeling like a better artist!"
"What can I say about the homie Audiostein that has not already been said? 🤔 Besides being incredibly talented, he is very patient and understanding, a real collaborator. He makes sure his client is fully satisfied, an..."