Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with SavHardi
I want to help you turn what you hear in your head into something tangible.
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I am Tony I live the last 2 years in UK, I came for my master's degree in Music Technology. I am from Greece, music is my biggest passion, I started as a musician(Brass, Guitar) then I studied Music production & engineering and now I am nearly done with the master degree. I would love to help you with recording, mixing, mastering and composition!!!
Clean and Punchy mixes! Hit me up! Working with any genre of music.
If you want a high quality sound ready for radio, TV or film contact me.
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Independent Artist Let's Take Your Sound To The Next Level and Turn Your Reckless Dreams Into Reality!
Hi, i'm mixing and producing Hiphop and Trap.
Count me in to produce, write or mix your songs.
Recent Successes
"Gabe was great to work with in every aspect. I was looking for a collab to help with my tracks and Gabe delivered 100%. He's got a great ear and musical ability when it comes to production and helping move a track fo..."
"Austin is amazing to work with - very professional and understanding. Makes tracks come alive with his excellent mixing and mastering skills. Highly recommend! "
"I really enjoyed working with Mark. He understood where I was going for and got 90% of the way there out of the gate and he was really patient in hashing out that last 10% that's really hard to communicate about and m..."
"Straight 🔥🔥"
"Great sound knowledge w/ professional attitude. He produced a perfect remix for my song. Will definitely use again for future work. Thank you!!"
"As someone who has had many bad experiences with collaborators in the past, working alongside Aishia was a breath of fresh air. Where many people would have taken weeks to get back to me, Aishia made sure I was never ..."
"Bella X is a really great singer, really professional. She have an incredible voice. She was very fast in writing, recording and sending the vocals. I really appreciate that."
"Top Professional - honourable honest feedback, which is essential!"