Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Wize Noize
Mixing/Mastering/Recording Services - Price & Quality is a NO-Brainer
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Do you wanna sound different and high quality for an amazing price ? I’m glad to hear from you
Hi Guys ! My Specialization Is Scratching on anything Vocal/Instrument/Sample and much more ! So if you need a unique open for your production or Cool C-Part or fills - you are in the right place !!
I can sing, rap, freestyle, video games, sports, you name it.
If you're looking for a professional Future Pop / Future House production, you are at the right place. Original vocals are possible, and are included in the price. I have worked on songs that have released on labels of big dj/producers, like Don Diablo's 'Future' label, and Hardwells' Gemstone label. Currently studying at the Herman Brood Academy.
music producer-mix and master man
10+ years experience in songwriting, writing lyrics and doing vocals (rap/rock/metal). Top line writer Vocalist for hire Lyricist
I am musicologist and composer/song-writer with years of experience in audio production. I have produced background music for indie video-games, anime openings, indie bands and more. I feel comfortable producing for the following genres: Rock, metal, pop, jazz and latin.
Recent Successes
"Great drums on another song"
"XMEAN360 is a good rapper and easy to work with. Looking forward to working on more in the future. "
"Another great song!! Jared nailed it again. It's been an honor working with him."
"Carlo is world class. Understanding. Responsive. All around amazing technique in bring out the best master your song can have. "
"Gracias Simon por todo. Simón hizo un buen trabajo. El sabe lo que hace y es un professional. Cumplió todo lo que le pedí. Estupendo trabajo."
"Dave made magic with my track, bringing extra power and precision to its sound and mix. It sounds far better than what I heard in my head. And Dave worked quickly, responding with perspective and revisions on a tigh..."
"Dexy has done an excellent job with the mastering of our new single ”Salvation” For us Dexy is always our No1 choice I really recommend you to try him out, i promise that you won’t be disapointed!"
"Really loved working with Simon, he was extremely responsive and patient, and truly wanted to help me realize my vision for my song. It was a great partnership and I look forward to working with him again for future ..."
"Jaki was amazing and flexible to work with, besides delivering top-notch vocals, organized and labeled! Just a talented person, will definitely keep in touch for future projects!"
"What a powerful voice! Leonel did an amazing job adding vocals to our track. He is a very skilled vocalist. Highly recommended! "
"Robert was very nice to work with, he listened my needs and really listened and provided an excellent result!"